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nature's habbit

How come that every time you cut a pepper gloveless ("ah, it's only that cute mild purple tiger...") and you know you should stop touching things for a while that everything starts to tickle ?? There is something in your eye (and there isn't), you suddenly HAVE to pick your nose (now I know why we are that easily invaded with all sorts of diseases : the inside of your nose is an 'open frontier')... there must be an explanation for this behavior...
Last night I made a batch of habanero/raspberry jelly. I did not wear gloves. In addition to those little inevitable accidents I was taste testing throughout the process. After filling and processing the jars, I asked my assistant to sample some that was still in the pot. I needed some feedback on final flavor, heat, etc. I sure couldn't do it. My face and mouth was on fire.

And just in case I had a little accident in the bathroom during the evening, I had cut the top off a 1/2 pint carton of milk and set it next to the sink. If there was a problem, I could quickly give first-aid by dipp'n the danglies into the milk.
the666bbq said:
How come that every time you cut a pepper gloveless ("ah, it's only that cute mild purple tiger...") and you know you should stop touching things for a while that everything starts to tickle ?? There is something in your eye (and there isn't), you suddenly HAVE to pick your nose (now I know why we are that easily invaded with all sorts of diseases : the inside of your nose is an 'open frontier')... there must be an explanation for this behavior...

As a scientific professional, let me just say it's a well-observed phenomenon, although not one I've ever seen named. The more horrendous, smelly, or gooey a substance is, the more likely your face or nose is to itch after you've touched glove to it. Let's not even get into the itching and twitching body parts involved with biohazardous materials and personal protective equipment.

There is a related phenomenon that involves hair that goes the more disgusting a substance is and you have to lean over to observe it, the more likely it is for a lock of tightly coiffed hair to spring free and dangle in the goo.
Plebian said:
And just in case I had a little accident in the bathroom during the evening, I had cut the top off a 1/2 pint carton of milk and set it next to the sink. If there was a problem, I could quickly give first-aid by dipp'n the danglies into the milk.

:mad: I dont care who you are, that right there is funny! only a chilehead would have milk part of their 1st aid kit in the bathroom with a container ready for dipping the affected parts in it :lol:
a half pint - is that all! :mad:;):lol:

it's a bit like when you've got an itchy bum crack - you know what I'm talking about - you give it a scratch, then even when knowing you shouldn't you give the old fingers a bit of a sniff - what's even worse is you're surprised that they stink!!!

we've all done this, haven't we?! well most of us have I'm sure. ok well I bet there's at least some of you that have had this experience - hahaha.

what am I the only one? :(
chilliman64 said:
a half pint - is that all! :mad:;):lol:

it's a bit like when you've got an itchy bum crack - you know what I'm talking about - you give it a scratch, then even when knowing you shouldn't you give the old fingers a bit of a sniff - what's even worse is you're surprised that they stink!!!

we've all done this, haven't we?! well most of us have I'm sure. ok well I bet there's at least some of you that have had this experience - hahaha.

what am I the only one? :(

Oh that was you!
LOL yes, a half pint. I was trying to sound manly but probably should have said half gallon. Truth is I have to squat to pee... I don't have enough to aim with. I actually converted a 10 gallon fish tank into a bidet and fill it with 2% milk. If I feel the burn down yonder I just straddle the tank and plug it in. Ahhhh cool soothing milk!

How do I get pepper burn down there if I squat to pee you ask? Well, I touch it 'cause it feels good, that's how. Sometimes I just forget about the peppers I handled earlier.

...I just got to thinking that, maybe, chiliheads and culture just don't mix LMAO
Pam you'll have to explain TMI to me.

Habman - my post was supposed to be just humorous (sorry about the random insertion of the letter u in some of my words - it's how we do it Down Under) but I don't know if readers should be more offended by my words or the fact that you could immediately pluck this little beauty from your collection without a moments notice!

btw - that's funny and exactly the point I was trying to make.
chilliman64 said:
Habman - my post was supposed to be just humorous (sorry about the random insertion of the letter u in some of my words - it's how we do it Down Under) but I don't know if readers should be more offended by my words or the fact that you could immediately pluck this little beauty from your collection without a moments notice!

btw - that's funny and exactly the point I was trying to make.

It was a funny post chiliman. offended? nope not me.
I think I viewed that video of the monkey 200 times and every time it just cracks me up for some reason. I think I'll go watch it again.
I'm sure a lot of pepper heads can relate to this! Or perhaps there's just a few dummies like myself that keep getting "pwn3d" as some say!

I never use gloves when handling my pepers as I don't mind the 'pepper hand,' but I have a habit of kicking back 'Al Bundy' style and putting a hand down the pants, I find out about 2 minutes after doing this as this area is much more sesitive and yes I too have done the dipping in milk once :D

Not only have I done this harm to myself a bunch of times, but once I did a horrible thing without thinking that almost ended my marriage.:evil: After picking, eating, and cutting up a few dozen habs for dehydrating the wifey was in a good mood and we decided it was woopie time, well after a few minutes into it I heard screaming like I never heard, no a John Holmes guy didn't take over, it was the from the capsaicin that was still all over my hands, mouth, extremedies even after washing really good!!
Too true Pepp3r! We can joke about all day long but it can be a serious issue. Last year was my first exposure to habs and there was a few incidents that had me making promises to God. Whether it was the face, the eye's, the mouth, or the nether regions, I was pleading for quick mercy.

And then when there was transference to another you just might be fighting to keep from losing their friendship. Even though I gave fair warning to a couple who helped me with making jelly they experienced the 'burn' and won't help again.

I don't wear gloves when handling habs either, execpt for when squeezing the the strainer cloth for the last bit of liquid when making jelly, and even if you wash real real good you can still get burnt hours later, or burn another.

My latest assistant with the jelly making was careful and didn't have any burn incidents but she did have troubles with coughing. Even though I had the exhaust fans on high the hab fumes was still getting to her.

It can't be stressed enough how uncomfortable this stuff can make ya but at least it doesn't last too long and hopefully it can be laughed about later but sometimes, it's just not funny.

That's why I keep a mini milk bath at the ready when doing intensive hab work. I don't want to be put in the position of making promises I can't keep. The hab burn down yonder can do that.
I got a small but good burn today doing dishes after making some naga hot-sauce. I tried to rinse the blender and everything very well before washing but somehow it got me just below the thumb. It felt like the flesh was burning but at this point I was happy it wasn't my whole hand or both. It was pretty intense for an hour or two but I consider this a warning. These things are extreme and should be used with absolute care. I've had lots of minor burns but this was serious heat. Just another warning, be safe!
hehe, and I was hesitating if I should mention the nose picking and look what happened ;-) .... and I thought that the Bundies where an somewhat exagerated extreme American family; but I was wrong it was a documentary of the average family ;-)

good too hear that there are other casualties lol
I will 'now' always wear clear plastic eye protection and gloves when cooking hab sauce - especially when using the stick blender, that's a dangerous little bastard if you're not careful with it!