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Need a good blender

My last blender broke in the middle of pureeing my last hot sauce batch.  Fortunately, the batch was almost at the desired consistency before the motor stopped working.  I don't remember what I spent, but it was wasn't a lot, probably something between $19.99 and $29.99.   I was under the mistaken impression that an "El Chepo" model would hold up.  This turned out to be a total piece of crap!  I hadn't used it for more than 5 times (Not more than a total of 25 minutes) before the motor stopped working, and the text above the buttons (Puree, chop etc) washed off as soon as it got wet.
I need a recommendation for a good blender.  I'm only going to use it to make hot sauces, and maybe some smoothies or some fruit juices.  With that in mind, I'm not 100% sure that I need a blender, maybe some related device (juicer?) that can puree ingredients.  I'd rather not have to spend $100.00 or more, but do need something that will do the job and last.  I will need good blades, as I add whole lemons and limes to my sauces.
What do some of the experienced sauce makers recommend?
I had the same thing happend to my "El Cheapo" garage sale blender earlier this summer and ended up picking up one of those Ninja blenders. Was a little over a C note and does everything I need to do to make pepper sauce.
Galveston340 said:
I had the same thing happend to my "El Cheapo" garage sale blender earlier this summer and ended up picking up one of those Ninja blenders. Was a little over a C note and does everything I need to do to make pepper sauce.
It looks like the Ninja models come in around $116.00 or so.  I may pick one up.
I use an Oster which has a glass pitcher. Been thinking on a ninja but the ones I have seen have plastic pitchers or whatever you want to call it. I prefer glass so the capsaisin doesn't stay in the plastic.
Justaguy said:
I use an Oster which has a glass pitcher. Been thinking on a ninja but the ones I have seen have plastic pitchers or whatever you want to call it. I prefer glass so the capsaisin doesn't stay in the plastic.
Good thought—Don't want to lose any capsaicin! 
Least to most expensive, those are my choices when mine goes. Always been an Oster person, blender lasted 30 years, new ones 6 months if your not carefull. Blades also awefull and will leak after a while. Service is also crap for Oster now :(
Remember this in everything you purchase, "BUY NICE OR BUY TWICE!" I use a vitamix and it is awesome.  I also drink smoothies everyday so it made sense to spend that much. it will turn anything into liquid, seeds stems hands. It also comes with a 7 year warranty. you dont have to spend $500, but remeber that if you buy a $30 blender, you only get $30 worth of blender.  It takes like $50+ to fill my car with gasoline and i do that every week or so.  Spend the dough and get a blender that will last. sidenote - a juicer will NOT work, unless you want a little bit of chili juice in a glass and a whole bunch of chili pulp in the catch. 
Yes they are BLENDING!!!
I burnt out three of Kitchen Aids finest and they had a great warranty but finally fired me.  I got a vitamix my mom had been praising for years.  Like the other gentleman above, I make half my meals in mine plus thick, heavy hummus from time to time.  It's great!  I like the simple manual controls and the power.   I love it for making hot sauce.  If I run it to hot it just cuts off for a minute rather than smoking and never running again like the kitchen aid. 
I'm currently researching 3 blenders.
1- Blendtec
2- Vitamix
3- Waring Xtreme mx1000 commercial
Right now the Waring is the front runner. Used commercially in bars, coffee shops, smoothie places, restaurant's,  etc...........