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Need a good blender

My last blender broke in the middle of pureeing my last hot sauce batch.  Fortunately, the batch was almost at the desired consistency before the motor stopped working.  I don't remember what I spent, but it was wasn't a lot, probably something between $19.99 and $29.99.   I was under the mistaken impression that an "El Chepo" model would hold up.  This turned out to be a total piece of crap!  I hadn't used it for more than 5 times (Not more than a total of 25 minutes) before the motor stopped working, and the text above the buttons (Puree, chop etc) washed off as soon as it got wet.
I need a recommendation for a good blender.  I'm only going to use it to make hot sauces, and maybe some smoothies or some fruit juices.  With that in mind, I'm not 100% sure that I need a blender, maybe some related device (juicer?) that can puree ingredients.  I'd rather not have to spend $100.00 or more, but do need something that will do the job and last.  I will need good blades, as I add whole lemons and limes to my sauces.
What do some of the experienced sauce makers recommend?