LawrenceJ2007 said:Naga Morich maybe? That's what mine look like at least.
Burning Colon said:in its green form, it could be anything from fatalii to bhut. why don't you tell us what you think you bought.
Burning Colon said:in the green form, i have both bhuts and fatalii that look just like it. none of 7 pots look like that. i think you are lookiing at a bhut of some sort.
and may i say, a nice looking pod at that. hope the ripened version gives you trouble.... in a good way.
best of luck and i hope you stick with us on the hot pepper forum.
geeme said:Though fataliis have a similar shape, IMO they're a tad more slender than those. Fataliis ripen to a kind of golden yellow. I'm curious to see what those ripen to.