misc Need an option for a 1.5 - 2 oz soft pack / vacuum pack for samples

The worst part about shipping these small woozy bottles around is the thickness requires a box.

I've seen some people package powders and salts into flat plastic blister packs or tear away vacuum packs. Almost like a large ketchup packet, or clear sided powder bag with stiff plastic back. These will let me throw them into a padded envelope instead of a box and save $$$ giving my product away.

But how well do they work with hot sauce?

Any brand names, links or suggestions are most appreciated. 5.80 a box is a bit much when i could do $3 instead.
use small generic boxes, not Priority boxes. Some people just wrap the bottles in bubble wrap and use an envelope.

vac-pak-ing dry products is a whole lot different than a liquid and most folks use a home-style vac-pak-er. If you've seen 'tear-away" packaging please post pics or links. I'd like to see how they are doing it and maybe get a packaging source.

I strongly discourage sending out unrefrigerated, untested (by a Process Authority) vac-pak'ed samples that are not packaged with a proper sample pack machine.