• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.



I've got about 35 Bhut Jolokia seeds I can mail you. They are the real thing, at least they were two years ago when I bought the first order. I've also had good luck with germinating them - 27 out of 28 two years ago, 17 out of 18 this year. And they were not slow - about a week.

If interested, PM me your addy.

a package of 25 Bhut Jolokia seeds were put in the mail to you this morning...
Dear Friends,

My heart swells with the response I got for my appeal . An anonymous friend from Philadelphia sent me a cache of 7 varieties of super hots, AJ sent me Bhuts and my list is almost complete.

Thank you guys.

I am now waiting like a father to be for my superhots to sprout.

If they fail, then I will wait for another 15 days for still warmer weather to plant new seeds.

I have a bumper sprouting of all Indian varieties.

Bydagis, Sannams, Mundu and Reshampatti are 4 leaves each now.(Thanks to Pepper Freak for sending new pods which I used as seeds)

Another month and I will have them growing super speed.

Thanks onc e again.
