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pests Need help id pest and how to get rid of

My mom has this plant outside in her garden ... Came by today to pay her visit and I notice these small pods on the branches and under leaves... Seems like its hindering growth and pod production. What is it ?, and can I use compost tea to get rid of it...?

You wouldn't happen to have pictures, would you?
picture would do wonders, but I will take a guess and say perhaps aphids?
They look like small pods , and when I burst them open with my fingers some have a clear liquid and others have a white powder/liquid

Browning - they don't move around like aphids... They're just there .... I do notice ants all over the plant..
Better pic of them

Looks like some type of scale insect. Some scale insects secret honeydew like aphids which ants feed on. Could explain the ants everywhere
+ ? on the scale tip. Thats a heavy infestation. I would say chuck that plant in the garbage since it looks like its in a pot.
I dont think it would be worth the trouble....