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Need Hot Sauce Ideas

Hi...I'm a "salsa pro", but I want to start making my own bottles of hot sauce (like a hot pepper sauce that will stay good int he fridge for months). I've looked all over the internet, and here, but I I'm not really sure where to start. It looks like many recipes call for tomato, but I want straight peppers with some other stuff. I can mix my own variations, but it's the preserveing part that gets me...since I make fresh salsa weekly. Is it as simple as combining the blended ingredients with vinegar?


*edit - I guess I should add that I want seeds and skins in there.
Well post your results back. Let us know how it goes. Oh yeah ware gloves and if for ANY reason you don't, that should be the one time you wash your hands BEFORE going to the bathroom. Its not important how I know this, lets just call it a little...well BIG piece of advice. ;)
Well post your results back. Let us know how it goes. Oh yeah ware gloves and if for ANY reason you don't, that should be the one time you wash your hands BEFORE going to the bathroom. Its not important how I know this, lets just call it a little...well BIG piece of advice. ;)

What am I...a rookie? ;) I know all too well to wash up, but I never wear gloves. I blanched 4 habaneros, 4 serranos, 4 jalapenos, and tossed in a dozen or so arbols. Mixed in a little salt, half a lime, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne powder...and puree'd it. It's ok...not great. There is a gap in the flavor between the initial taste and the heat (or lack thereof). I'm not sure what it's missing. I'm thinking about going back in and adding ground mustard, and a little brown sugar. I dunno.
What am I...a rookie? ;) I know all too well to wash up, but I never wear gloves. I blanched 4 habaneros, 4 serranos, 4 jalapenos, and tossed in a dozen or so arbols. Mixed in a little salt, half a lime, garlic powder, onion powder, and cayenne powder...and puree'd it. It's ok...not great. There is a gap in the flavor between the initial taste and the heat (or lack thereof). I'm not sure what it's missing. I'm thinking about going back in and adding ground mustard, and a little brown sugar. I dunno.

After setting up in the fridge for 24 hours, it has a little better flavor. Still not as robust as I'd like...but better.
for pH I would go with a half cup lemon or lime juice with those other ingredients to be safe. Also try using some real onion as the powder isn't as good.

I used a mix of lemon juice and vinegar. I also didn't add real onion, since it has a tendency to funkify fresh salsa after a few days. But...I've read a number of recipes that call for fresh onion in pepper sauces...does the preservation of sauce by dropping the ph take away the onion-funk?
When I cook my mix (Habs, Vinegar, Garlic, Salt, and sometimes Cilantro) it loses its heat and becomes something I can easily spread on bread and enjoy as just a flavor. I don't understand this. I would think that cooking it would spike up the heat. Has anyone else experienced the same?
Thanks...I'm a science teacher...and I SPEAK English. Weird...huh...

I'm going nuts here...I have a fridge full of fresh habaneros, red savinas, and bhuts. I'm thinking of making some bbq sauce, pepper sauce, and some hot-mustard. I need a ph meter!
I've been using a ph meter for a couple of years now and for me it's a good peace of mind knowing that any of my home made sauces,salsa or marinades will have a ph of under 3.6 before bottling or canning, I just bottled 4 cases of 5 oz'ers with my Scotch Bonnet recipe, and these bottles could last unopened on a shelf for a long period......and if someone were to open them 6 months down the road, the ph would still be under 3.8. Buy yourself meter if possible, when your sauces are made correctly they will last a long time. there are some who will add more vinegar,lemon-lime juice, citric acid,etc, not knowing when to stop, a good sauce doesn't have to taste acidic. good luck with salsa/sauce
I have one I use to test mine also. Although for someone making for personal use and quick consumption better safe then sorry if you don't have a meter. This is the one I use http://www.sperdirect.com/cgi-bin/item/850051/pH/-pH-Pen%3A-Large-Display-with-ATC