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Need input for new sauce

Last season my dad gave me a couple zip lock bags full of some peppers that he had extra. They are a Datil - Habanero cross of some sort I think. Either way, I am making room in my freezer this weekend so I thought I would try to make a new sauce. I do not want to ferment this one just process and call it a day. I am going to start by halving and seeding all the pods and then roasting/cooking them in my cast iron skillet. Once they are roasted and such I will blend and process probably with some vinegar and a sweetner of some sort. This is where I would like some suggestions, I have read numerous threads about what to mix and such but everyone has their own preferences. I want this to be a sauce people can actually eat and enjoy instead of just a few drops on some beans or whatever. What is the best way to tame a sauce down? Just a smaller pepper ratio? Thanks for any input.
Today is the day ladies and gentlemen.For those not following along I have a Datil-hab cross and plenty of them with good flavor and plenty of heat.

So for starters I am going to cook/roast my hot peppers in a cast iron pan until I have the desired color and consistency. In another cast iron pan I am going to cook yellow bells, onions and garlic (to be added towards the end) until they are soft and well caramelized. From there it is into the blender with some other choice ingredients for sweetness and volume and I will add the hot peppers a little at a time until I get the desired heat and flavor. After that, it will toss everything in a pot and cook it down further to bring all the flavors together. Once cooked it will go back into the blender for a while and then bottled. Sounds like a solid plan so I will post pics and results tonight.
Well, let me start by saying what I didn't do...I didn't cure cancer, I didn't adopt a bunch of hungry puppies and i didn't create the best damn hot sauce you've ever tasted. What I did do was try my hand at creating a from scratch hot sauce/something. At the end of the day, I am very happy with it. This will go awesome on grilled chicken, a fantastic marinade or a little topper to anything you want.
Here are the main ingredients. Yellow bells, a sweet onion, a pear, garlic and the peppers.

Hot peppers halved and deseeded.

Sautee those onions like crazy with some butter.

Added the onions to this pan after cooking for a bit and the bells on top. Keep cooking.


Yum, look at that. Still very friggin spicy, ask me how I know.


Blend the heck out of the peppers, onion and the garlic I added towards the end. I added a healthy scoop of the hot peppers. I also added a healthy squirt of honey, some white vinegar and a scoop of some jam that I made the other day.

Yep, plenty hot, back in the pot and cook for a little bit.

I put the sauce back in the blender on high for a bit and then into the bottle/jar.
Very nice! And you had fun, made a good sauc3, used some surplus chiles....WIN!!!