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Need Manzano help

I germinated these seeds over the last couple of weeks in some moist napkins. They've seem to have gotten away from me. How deep you think I ought to transplant these guys. You think a 72 cell tray cell would be big enough or do you think I should plant them in something bigger? How much bigger? Thanks.


See all the hooks?!
about the same as any other seeds IMO... i just sprouted orange, red and yellow manzano and treated all of them the same as habs, superhots and others...
Last season I just placed them onto my grow plugs 72 cell trays all covered with domes. It worked really well for me and will probably do it the same way again this season.
They should be fine. I've planted lots like that with good results in a 72 cell tray. I just poke a hole with a pencil and make sure the root is facing down. Barely cover the top.
I ended up pretty much doing all of my sprouts that way last year (not sprouting any this year.) I'm looking at those, though, and wondering why I'm not seeing many cotyledons. Agree root facing down when you plant, but you might want to actually plant a little deeper than you might expect, to let the soil above the seed help remove the seed casings as they come up. I used a chopstick to dig the holes to plant them in.
There are actually a lot, look at the hooks, they're just not very big. I was wondering if I should put just above the soil or a little beneath.
Cotyledons = starter leaves. Some people let them go in the baggie until the seed cap comes off. I plant em as soon as I see a root. If some are stuck to the napkin, just cut out that piece of napkin that the root is stuck to, and plant the whole thing. Seed cap under the dirt.