blenders Need New Blender

Well a few nights ago I tried to make a smoothie. Well i got it done and took the first sip right out of the blender container. IT WAS AMAZING!!! Well I put it back on the blender and I noticed the plastic base on the jar was a bit loose. Well I tried to tighten it and little did I know, it was loose because it was broken. So when I tried to tighten it, it broke completely and ALL of the delicious smoothie amazingness poured out the bottom EVERYWHERE. I WAS TICKED...Its weird how people (teenage kids) use things break them or know they are broken but don't say anything like it will magically fix Needless to say Im in the market for a new blender. Now I don't want to just get another $30 piece of walmart junk. So what is available as a solid quality blender for about $100 or less? Keep in mind TEENAGERS will be using it and it will not do anything to complex. Mostly shakes, smoothies and pepper powder. :)

Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Find your local restaraunt supply store you will get a great quality blender at a better deal

On another note are you a hockey fan being from minn
If so what do you think of the acquisition of heatley?