misc Need opinions

Ok... Im going to come out with some sauces and am in the process of working out the front and back label. So, here is my first draft and any opinions are welcome. Nutritional information is false of course...


The crest is kinda cool, but i like the front label style. i also like the 2 color theme. It would stand out on a shelf i think. It also resembles a beer label which is a bonus.
Thanks for the comments. We were looking for a more sober look on the label while still incorporating a beer style thing (Heineken was the source of inspiration). We wanted to stay away from cartoons and that sort of gimmicks.

As you can see in our crest, it's all about chiles and beer, which coincidentally is how the recipes were conceived
It looks great and put me down for a couple of bottles when you are ready with it...
I like the crest label for the back label, & the only choice for front label is what you show which I like also.

1 question
is that nutrition fact part just a fill in for a nutrition fact label to show or is that the percentages for your hot sauce ? it seems kinda out of wack for the ingredient list, which sounds like a tasty hot sauce.
Omri is right about the font. If you can cleanly read it when the printing is done on the bottle, then that label is killer. I really really like it. I have seen labels when they come to print almost unreadable because the font shrinks with the label . It is easy to read here because it seems blown up so we can read it easier.

Also the ingredient list looks intriguing too, and I would definitely be in line to try your product on looks alone. Nice job so far.
Buddah said:
print almost unreadable because the font shrinks with the label . It is easy to read here because it seems blown up so we can read it easier.

:lol: that's one good thing about getting older...Tri-Focals... :lol:
I have a bottle for review in my possession right now that I can not make out at all because the font is in italics and so small I need quad-focals. Maybe beer goggles would work.
Tri-focals are the cats meow if you are wearing glasses...a little tilt of the head and you go from magnifiers, to computer distance focus, to distance vision...fact of life...if you get older, your eyesight diminishes with time...I already have the startings of cataracts...long time before treatment tho...
I would also like to add that the word "bastard" in your name might be offensive to some people. I am not one, but there are prudes out there that might turn away from the name alone. It also might not be bought by store owners because they might feel their customers will object to a hot sauce being seen by their children. The word "bastard" is considered a curse word in the US, and with the moral inepitude of the religious political climate you would be wise to come up with another name for the US market. Just my 2 cents.