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I'm newbie here and I wouldn't ask for peppers for free. You got get respect and make some friends before you just start asking for things. I been growing for a couple of years and it takes alot to get a seed to germinate and make it all the way to producing pods. If anything be willing to trade some seeds or buy seeds or even better read all these posts and learn all you can from all these great people.
I went to youtube and looked up [background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]EthanMarkerTV! and he is just a kid maybe between 13 to 16 didn't watch his videos yet but anyways still can't be asking for free peppers being new and all.[/background]
Well he just learned a lesson. Before you ask for some free stuff, involve yourself in this place first. Hang out with us on here and gain some trust and respect and you just might get some free stuff. But until then you just need to hit your parents up to purchase some fresh peppers from some people here. There's always a chance to win stuff here also. I have. Good luck young pepperhead.
Well he just learned a lesson. Before you ask for some free stuff, involve yourself in this place first. Hang out with us on here and gain some trust and respect and you just might get some free stuff. But until then you just need to hit your parents up to purchase some fresh peppers from some people here. There's always a chance to win stuff here also. I have. Good luck young pepperhead.

well said bro well said, i bet he wasn't but 10 years old
You can't blame him for reviewing pods and asking for peppers when he is learning it from other YTers. The spamming all over was annoying though.

The scary part is he was also selling his hot sauce. Now I know that is not professionally bottled.
He needs to get a job. He obviously already has a computer, and prolly a Camcorder,
And I don't know if he bought it or his parents did, but when I was 10 I wanted a new BMX bike.
Yep, I had to mow lawns, help around the neighborhood doing whatever I could.

The fact that he posed a question like that, almost demanding free stuff is a symptom of todays bad parenting.
He seems to have some ambition tho, go figure? No guidence.
At least the cannibals won't get him. With nobody giving him free peppers, there's no way he's spicy enough for cannibal stew.

Edit: I wrote it. I'll own it. I just can't believe that I posted something like that on a public forum or that I'm leaving it there.
He needs to get a job. He obviously already has a computer, and prolly a Camcorder,
And I don't know if he bought it or his parents did, but when I was 10 I wanted a new BMX bike.
Yep, I had to mow lawns, help around the neighborhood doing whatever I could.

The fact that he posed a question like that, almost demanding free stuff is a symptom of todays bad parenting.
He seems to have some ambition tho, go figure? No guidence.

The kid looks, at best, like he's in middle school, which makes me wonder how much control his parents have in letting him use the Internet. I think they definitely need to monitor what he's doing at the very least.
The kid looks, at best, like he's in middle school, which makes me wonder how much control his parents have in letting him use the Internet. I think they definitely need to monitor what he's doing at the very least.

Especially since he has their address plastered all over the internet.
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