Need seeds - super hots

Hi all I've been growing peppers for a while now, different varieties, super hots etc. Well, over the years I've been selecting my favorties and I save plants (and usually seeds) year after year. I did not get to save any seeds thisnyear, and thanks to the hurricane we got a while bak, I managed to lose my entire crop (bhuts, trinidads, fatilla).
Since i'm starting over I'd like to get my hands on a mixture of super hots - bhut (obviously) trinidads, fatilla and 7-pots (7-pods?) would be where I'd start over, any suggestions would be appreciated.

So basically I'm looking for a variety pack of seeds to start me off again; the ones I've mentioned plus some new-to-me varieties of super hots.

PM me with what you have And what you are looking for as compensation - note I homebrew beer and wine so I'd be willing to ship "yeast samples" wink wink, as a trade.

Howdy neighbor, it's nice to learn of other Vermont Chiliheads!!
Take a look at my trade list and we'll see what we can do for you!!
I knew you would hop on this one Jack :)
Can't wait til next year when hopefully (if all goes well) I can help out people too.

Good luck Sid.
Sorry to hear about your crop man.
I have some cutting board seeds
Bhut jolokias, Trinidad scorpions,and
Trinidad 7 pots you can have they arnt seperated though.
Pm me if you want them.