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Need some input on a few varieties.... yay or nay.

starting seeds today and I am on the fence about a few.
I am more interested in flavor that all out heat, as I have other peppers for that. I am a big fan or citrus / fruity ie. Datil, Fatalii etc.

Arivivi or aribibi gusano
Rocoto or Manzano (any color)

Thanks a ton!

I dig the aribibi. I swear, when I picked them just a wee bit under ripe, they smelled like maple syrup to me.
Very prolific. The only downside I could think of would be that you need to aggressively tie them up. Mine wanted to sprawl on the ground.

I give the aribibi two thumbs up.
I definately agree with the Aribibi, I give it 2 thumbs up too!
Also the plant looks great with little crinckled Peppers all over it. Great producer.


Aribibi pods

They should go a yellow colour, but quite a few went pretty white.

Gotta grow rocoto/Manzano if you have a longer season or start them early.
Great heat and fruity taste.
They like cool weather better than hot.
Not hard to grow but they get big fast.
like bigger pots.



