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Need some thoughts on getting a food processor for making hot sauce

Hello all.
I was wanting some thoughts on getting a food processor to make my hot sauces much better. Now not sure if seeds would make my hot sauce bitter. Not sure if using a immersion blender would be better or using a food Mill would be better. I don't cook my peppers to make my sauce I just ferment in a 3 percent brine and blend it. Wanting a upgrade from a worn out Oster blender. Trying to make my hobby making hot sauces into a business. Thanks.
I bought a oxo food Mill but it will give me a runny sauce. I just been putting fermented peppers and onions,carrots and onions from the jar into my food processor and then putting it in my food Mill. Maybe it will always give me a runny sauce? Do I need to cook it? Another thing is what size flow restrictior do I need on my bottles? 24mm or 28mm?
Bingo! Cooked stuff goes thru the food mill much better! It's all part of the fun~~~
salsalady said:
Bingo! Cooked stuff goes thru the food mill much better! It's all part of the fun~~~
My hot sauce that i made using the medium food Mill plate. Some skin and seeds have made it through. I should strain it then start adding what I need. Didn't realize it's a lot of work.


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For me, straining is more a question of how you are going to bottle the sauce and what your preference is with seeds in the sauce (I don't mind them).
I have some that I blended and then bottled in mini versions of sriracha bottles and the seeds get caught in the nozzle and block it. These sauces I now strain.
Others that I put in regular bottles with wider mouths, I don't bother straining.
I followed the advice of Salsa Lady and others on this forum when I started making sauce last year, and asked for a food mill for my birthday. I guess it does a good job at making baby food and apple sauce, too, but damn, if it didn't change my sauce for the better almost instantly. I have an OXO food mill, and I use the smallest hole grate possible. Turn the crank until you're left with only pulp, run it backward a few times, run it forward a few times to squeeze every last drop of juice out. It works great.

Can't speak for the other uses for a food mill, but it helps you make a smooth clean sauce, no problem.

As for food processors, I have an immersion blender which JFC, after using it on soups, I'd never use it for sauce. I can only imagine how much I would splatter all over myself. I also have a cuisinart food processor, which works well, but I tend to overfill it, so I have to wrap paper towels around the top to prevent vinegar or brine from spraying out. We just got a Ninja for our wedding, and my wife is reluctant for me to taint it with carolina reapers, but maybe some day soon...

But yeah, definitely recommend using a food mill. Whether you use a food processor or high powered blender, the food mill will help you refine your sauce to store-bought quality.