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Need to Identify culprut

Hellow fellow HP's.
I have been a lurker here for some time now...always ment to post when I had something meaningful to say...but most of what I have to offer has already been covered here by most...
I have lots of pic's to post as soon as I find a 'free' provider that will let me host more than 5 pic's at a time...(I"m using photobucket ATM) any sugesstions, send me a PM so we don't de-rail this thread.
As soon as I get a good hosting provider I will start my grow log and my fermenting experience..including how I make my own starter ferment solution...

Now on to the matter at hand....

I have grown a very healthy garden to date...

But recently I discovered this on the top growth of my Poblanos....



Sorry for the poor quality...all I have is a flip share video that I take snaps from..and it was in the evening...(I will get better at this)...

However..it is not attacking (in order of closeness to my Poblanos)...My Hot Hungariens..Jalapenos...LSR small Cayenes.....Hot Jamacin Habaneros.... nor my (Ghost) Buht Jolokias...

So any hints..... and if you have an opinion as to what the culpurt is I would welcome suggestions on a possible remidy for it....
If you have differing oppioions (and thus different remedies) I will consider them all.....

I will try to get some better pic's tomorrow and post...
Thank you all for the wonderful help I know I'm about to get....

I will post a bio in the welcome section detailing my expierences soon...but for now let me say....

I had my on Honey Wine (Mead) business complete with federal regs...
I make my own beer, wine, Mead...
I distill my own alcohol..and make my own vanilla extract....
I cook my own (Real) BBQ using only hardwood charcoal I make myself out of cherry,apple,hichory,pecan...etc...wood

so..more to come on that in other threads I will post soon so as not to de-rail this one..
If you have any questions...please feel free to PM me and I will answer...
Thanks to everyone here that I have learned so much from in the last year...

At your service and your families too!!!
(Yes I play LOTRO too in my spare time)
Have you (or anyone else) used any type of herbicide (particularly Roundup or the like) in or near your yard?

The veins of the yellow young leaves don't look green in the pic, but if they are (when the older leaves look mostly normal) my second guess is iron deficiency.
We used a weed killer (spray type that kills weeds not lawns) on the lawn next to the garden about 4 weeks ago. but we were very careful about wind drift...
Also its only on the 6 tall plants back by the air conditioner. All other plants are fine.

Also it started in the far back right corner and has spread toward the lawn and middle of the garden so I don't think it was the weed killer.

I'm thinking more of a mite or fungus problem.

Can you tell me some good mite killing spray and fungacides...


It looks like only the newly formed leaves have been affected. I don’t see any black spots so I’m thinking it may be sun related. I would monitor closely to see if this is passing or a continuing problem. I had to pull a few superhots out of service because of a problem that started out something like this and was later overtaken by some sort of black-death.
Thx SH.
I would sure hate to lose all my poblanos, It started on one in the back corner, and over the past two weeks has spread to every poblano all 10 plants. and a week ago they were growing like gangbusters.
still no sign of it on the hot hungariens right next to the infected Poblanos nor on any of the other peppers in the garden.
sun has not been a problem for the last 2 weeks (Plenty of sun but not as hot as it was 4 weeks ago.

Still think I want to try a mite spray and a fungus spray...
Know any good ones.

Are the poblanos growing to the height of the AC exhaust? I have a couple peppers and a tomato too close to mine and the leaves look a lot like that on the growth in front of the vent.
i am using neem oil 70% got from lowes

mix in a quart sprayer one and one half teaspoons neem
with one tablespoon ivory dish soap (clear not scented)
fill rest with tapwater

got this recipe from this forum i think is similar to one "hawaiial"
has used for many seasons?

anyway you may try this without "hurting" the chilis

welcome to the asylum

good growing

p.s. looking forward to some mashing strategum :dance:
Are the poblanos growing to the height of the AC exhaust? I have a couple peppers and a tomato too close to mine and the leaves look a lot like that on the growth in front of the vent.

No exhaust is strait up...nevever been a problem..but will double check...
Thx Phil

i ain't the sharpest tool in the shed...

me neither..cant figure out how to respond with multi quote the easy way...well at least I'm a master at cut and paste...lol

i am using neem oil 70% got from lowes

Thx Nit....
This is what I'm looking for..... suggestions on what to use to treat micro organisums and maybe some macro orginisums without poisoning my family.

p.s. looking forward to some mashing strategum

Thats comming........however this is what I'm going through ATM....... taking oldest child to college tomorrow....disiplining middle child for DUI... and just trying to survive youngest child's defiance... (QAll teenagers)..... and btw..wife is going through the change.....Vodka tonic here I come....
so I will post it but might be a day or two...

Thank you all for your suggestions...
At your service and your families too!!

Burning Colon will know what to do!! He is like a witch doctor when it comes to peppers, can fix just about anything. I would suggest checking in with him. I'm thinking a mixture of baking soda and a few other goodies is probably what he might recommend.

Good luck and keep us posted!!
i have only an eleven year old son
hope the war works out with saving the anchos
iwill get two 24 oz natural ice 5.9% on way home today
may go find seat 47 on fido three

oh, here comes the icepick in the forehead

if she were my daughter i'ddddd.......

Natty Ice is nasty, But yeah Its almost definitly the AC Exaust causing it. I had the same thing happen, looked identical to yours.
You might want to cut back the current new growth of burnt leaves, stems and pods, the plants will throw their production into new healthy growth...just a small bump in the road, the new growth will take off like "wildfire" good luck and post your results