seeds Need to speed germinate more seeds and other questions...

Many of my seedlings did not survive, they sprouted and then withered away. I don’t have any Bhuts, Red Savina or other Habanero’s and lost a few others I can’t remember.

I think I have time to germinate a few more seeds and get them in the ground by the end of March.

I put several varieties of seeds including Red Savina, Peach, and Chocolate Habs, Naga Morich, Bhut J’s on wet paper towels inside ziplock sandwich bags, sealed them and put them on the heat pad. The seeds are on the top of the paper towel , I blew a little air into the bag so the plastic was not directly on the seeds and sealed them completely. Is this correct?

When they germinate what do I do?

On the seedlings I have now, some of those a little yellow that range from ½” tall with two leaves to 2” tall with 6 leaves, planted in 3 oz Dixie cups; should I pot-up for the next two weeks or put them in the garden?

I can easily protect them from frost.

And last question, what is the typical plant spacing that will maximize garden space but not be detrimental to plant growth or fruit production?

Current photo, my tomatoes are doing far better than my peppers under the same conditions. I am not sure about the yellowing of my peppers, over watering, too much light, insufficient nutrients, salt in the tap water?????????????




Hate to sound like such a fanboy, but have you tried coco coir?
I've personally never tried the wet paper towel thing but I know that my Mom does it for beans and apple trees and such and has good results, but I'm pretty hooked on coco now.
Used those small bathroom cups at first, moved them into beer pong cups with potting soil when they got bigger, I've had great success with it, and it's cheap and easy stuff to find.
I don't have a large garden but I usually try to keep my plants two feet apart.
I have heard of coco coir on the forum but have not researched it. This is my second year for a garden and second year germinating seed inside early in the year so I am open to different and better methods.
This is my first year with growing mostly from seeds, and my first year with coco, but I'm hooked already.

I found my coco at Lowe's. They sell two versions that burpee makes, pellets and bricks. You can also get it at pet stores, they sell it as reptile bedding.
It holds moisture well, and when I transplanted, it crumbles super easily so you can loosen up the roots.
The cups I use for germinating I found at the grocery store, small plastic cups labelled as bathroom cups or something, pretty perfect size, I just had to cut a hole in the bottom for watering/drainage.
I can stop by Home Depot and possibly Lowes tonight. I posted a picture of the seedlings, I am pretty disappointed in my results so far.
I picked up some Burpee Supergrow Pellets and put them in Dixie cups tonight. I have Purple Jap's, Black Cobra, Bulgarian Carrot, Lumbre, Yellow Manzano and Orange/Yellow Manzono.

Any comments on the yellow seedlings above?
You need to get the seeds that you want to germinate and place them in your mouth. The saliva causes the seed coating to soften and makes germination a cinch.
To be effective you need to do at least 10 seeds at a times though.
Novacastrian said:
You need to get the seeds that you want to germinate and place them in your mouth. The saliva causes the seed coating to soften and makes germination a cinch.
To be effective you need to do at least 10 seeds at a times though.

Funny you suggest that...I tried a Bhut seed the other day, chewed it up good and fine with my front teeth and kept it on the tip of my tongue, sucker was intense for about 30 minutes and just makes me more want to get a live plant going even more!
orangehero said:
I use 18 in. spacing for my peppers in the ground.

Have you applied any fertilizer to your seedlings?

Last year I had 24" spacing on some large Jap's, I think they could have been a little closer so I going to try 18" but the plants will be a little close to the edge of the raised bed sides (6"-10") but I think that will be fine.

If I don't get some more seeds going I won't need to put them on 18" centers :D
And an update, the Lumbre with the really yellow leaves appear to have two new leaves and they are light green, I will post a picture tonight.

I mixed lake water with 1/2 strength Miracle Grow until I sort out the PH of the city water. I am also looking at irrigation pumps, I can buy a small one for get water to the peppers but I probably need to go big and use the pump for the yard. I think the city water may be partially to blame for my poor lawn. Several intense summers with a lot of city water is probably to blame.