Need volunteers

This is the best way but not the only way to isolate pepper pods.
Hi CM,

Here's a link with some pics on (cross)pollinating. Might be similar to the technique hot stuff is referring to.

Fatalii's Growing Guide

Edit: Oops! hot stuff types faster! :rofl:
Got my package today and they will go into my hydro system tomorrow.Due to the # of types and seed count I can only start about 5 of each.I`ve got over 500 going now!I`m going to try to make a photo grow log on my account so as yall can keep up with what i`ve got going.I`ll have my other grow log going also so---.Have a great season everyone and this sounds fun to me. Thanks for adding me Rich
I appreciate all the input and links.
..... been doing a little reading while watching LSU beat the crap out of A&M.
The Tigers,doing the SEC proud!
Well, seeds are now soaking in their seaweed bath. Going in dirt tonight!

Are these all hots? Most of the seeds I sucked on seemed to be... :lol:
Well, seeds are now soaking in their seaweed bath. Going in dirt tonight!

Are these all hots? Most of the seeds I sucked on seemed to be... :lol:

I think most of them have some pungency. You can always go to input the number on the package in the text search, click on the link and then click on observations you will find sometimes on the top a pungency rating and sometimes on the bottom if pungency is present.
The goal of course is to get our research under the observations link. :) So it is important to keep your peppers labeled with the number on the package.
Ok i`ll put up pics tomorrow but- put the seeds in Thursday and have a bunch of lil happy guys poking up.3 types as of now .Will keep up. Rich
Ok pics will follow shortly.Just got done transplanting 16 plants - 6 varieties.I`ll separate them on my flickr account. Rich

053673 C Chi 2
438535 C Chi 1
201237 C.A. 4
201234 C.A. 1
187330 C.A. 4
260538 C.B.P. 4

Ok now you can keep track to.

ok fickr is realllly being a pain so pics may be tomorrow.They will get here but my sanity may not! R
Ok well I`m reporting I`m not gonna be much help.I just lost over 380 plants and yes i`ll pay for it.From the plants I saved i`ve got 5 types left.I`m sorry to all involved .I`ll follow through with what is left - sending to the next and such-. Will post soon what types are still here. Rich Sorry guys/gals
Greetings Hot Stuff...
I thought you might like a status update.
I currently have what I believe is at least one viable plant in each of the following:

Viable plants as of 5.31.11

PI 653680 - Capsicum frutescens - Peru-5487 - Costa Rica
PI 594136 - Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum - 20013 - Hungary
Grif 9198 - Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum - Peru-5383 - Costa Rica
PI 640881 - Capsicum baccatum - PBC 81 - Peru
PI 179865 - Capsicum annuum - 10527 - India
PI 167330 - Capsicum annuum - 524 - Turkey

I initially planted 8 seeds of each, and have multiple plants in a couple varieties,while remaining hopeful that a few more will prosper.

Of the 4 remaining varieties, unfortunately I experienced either poor germination (a couple only had a single sprout, or lost them during the "WEEKS" of cold rainy crummy weather we had around here.(but nothing compared to your recent weather)
I considered my "Hot Stuff Study" seeds a top priority for this season,really babied them and am thoroughly disappointed that I won't have 10 for 10 varieties to report on in the fall.
With that being said,I planted 125 seed pots, and had 104 germinate,so thats about average I suppose.
As of today,I've got 38 strong and healthy varieties planted, and its nice watching my garden transform now that the temps have become favorable.

Hope you have a rewarding season.
Thanks for letting me know. Feel free to do the same report on any of the other varieties you have planted as well. I'm sure they would gladly accept the information even on peppers they don't have seed stores on. Really the more information on the more varieties the better.
I'm going to be doing a research on of a number of peppers I'm getting from GRIN. The research will be mostly of a taste variety. I'm looking for around 10 volunteers to grow perhaps 10 different peppers. You'll get 10 seeds of each. You'll be required to give a flavor/aroma report of 1. fresh pods from the plant 2. a powder made from the pods 3. a simple fermented sauce you're going to make from the pods. It would be preferred if you are able to share pods/powder/sauce with 4 other of the participants for them to test the flavors/aromas of the products, whom I'll assign according to nearest distance for postage sake, so I can get a number of people giving a taste taste of the same plants. Also what I'm looking for is where is the burn when tasted and how long it last in each area. You'll need a stopwatch or watch with a second hand. It is preferred that you keep the records in Excel or something I can convert to Excel. I'd like a sample also. Finally, I'd like the first 5 ripe pods, dried, if you can keep them from being cross pollinated.

Non-smokers preferred as your taste-buds are cleaner.

Feel free to post here or pm me if you're interested.

You won't know the name of the plants other than if they are annuum, chinense, baccattum or frutecens. They'll be assigned a number.

You should be able to give taste/aroma names somewhat creatively. You know nutty-what kind of nut? Fruity--what kind of fruit? Citrusy--What kind of citrus? sour/sweet/etc. You get the idea.

The results will be sent to the GRIN and I imagine/hope posted on their observations of the peppers. Of course all participants will be listed in the research unless they say otherwise.

Happy to help
Of the 10 I was given seeds for, I only ended up with 7 varieties that made it. Two of them had real low germination rates (1 and 0) and the 1 didn't make it. Another one only had 2 germinate, and it grew well, but took forever before it produced any peppers. Then frost hit before they ripened.

I don't have any pictures unfortunately.

I have the peppers dried that need to be dried, and will start tasting those and documenting my observations. Hopefully I'll be able to start a fermented hot sauce this weekend so that I can start tasting that, too.
