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Nee's first pepper season. (Australia) Pics, vids & banter.. yey! \\(^o^)//

Hi all! Although i've been into hot sauces / chillies for a long time, a Google regarding "growing chillies in Australia" led me to this site......and onto amazing people here in Australia, who have inspired me to grow my own!
There's not a lot to report as of yet, but here's my story so far! Please feel free to give advice to a newbie, as i really want this human vs chilli relationship to work out!

The story so far....

Pre-soaking my chilli seeds. I have 14 or more varieties to sow: From top left to bottom right....

Habanero Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta da Neyde
Magnum Habanero
7 Pod Jonah

Habanero White Giant
Hot Fish
Cili Goronong
7 Pod Red crossed Yellow
Habanero White JellyBean


Cutting the seeds from a Yellow 7 Pod....this time with GLOVES!! lol I have a load of extra seeds saved...just in case the winter grow doesn't work out, and i need to replant in the spring.


Week 1....seeds are in a propagator, kept at a constant 25 degree's thanks to the cable modem it's sat on! I don't expect any change for 4 weeks or so....fingers crossed!
Well I've never really had any trouble with them, but I've heard about a beer trap for slugs and snails. You just put a jar into the ground so the top is level with the soil and put some beer in the bottom. They are attracted to it and fall in and drown.

Only problem is you have to keep emptying and refilling it. And some people might have trouble wasting their beer :P

I tend to be cautious about using bait traps for anything because there is always the chance that it will bring in more pests, and will stop killing before it stops luring.
Put a wide band of diatomaceous earth around your plants to keep off the slugs and snails. It's harmless to people and pets, but it cuts up the slugs when they try to cross it and they bleed out. 100 percent organic because it's all silicate. It washes into the soil when it rains though, so you'd have to re-apply it afterwards. It's reasonably cheap and absolutely effective.
Fanman, can you expand on the 'aged' manure?
Not sure what aged manure is, and how to tell!
um whats the best way to explain this, well not frest out fo the animal. usually by the time is has dried out it should be gettign close.

I went down to the local Bunnings and got 3 bags of organic compost and also 3 bags of sheep manure and worked it into the soil. These were 25l bags.....so does this sound enough for that area, or do you think i need more?

should be pleanty

Also i have tested the soil ph in a few different areas and it spans from around 6.0 - 7.0.....and i think i'm right in saying i need to try and get somewhere in the 5's for peppers?

iicr that should be about right

If so, are Epsom Salts the solution to lower the ph? And to what ratio....and applied dry or with water?

Epsom salt = magnesium sulphate - You give this to your plants if they need more mangeium, i dont think it really does much for the PH.

Lime - will raise the PH
sulphor - will lower the HP
Slugs and snails!!!! Any hints to keep them at bay?
snail pellets
+ 1 on snail pellets, work very well but if you have pets i think they can be harmful from memory?

Put a wide band of diatomaceous earth around your plants to keep off the slugs and snails. It's harmless to people and pets, but it cuts up the slugs when they try to cross it and they bleed out. 100 percent organic because it's all silicate. It washes into the soil when it rains though, so you'd have to re-apply it afterwards. It's reasonably cheap and absolutely effective.

And as a bonus, as it breaks down, your plants will eat it up and become nice and strong. :dance:
Tui Quash snail pellets are harmless to pets as they are simply iron edta which breaks down into usable iron for your plants, it looks just like the poisonous pellets but completely safe. Trouble is that is a new Zealand product but I am sure you will be able to get something equivalent here.

Just saw this tip as well....."If you have children, keep a dog or believe there are blue tongued lizards in your garden, place a small amount of bait inside a jar with a narrow neck, such as a chilli or Worcestershire sauce bottle, laying the bottle lengthwise, pressed into the soil surface and cover it with mulch. This permits entry by small snails and slugs but makes it harder for other creatures to access the bait.". .... a good idea
Argh!! Sorry guys...not sure what went wrong there...i obviously hit the wrong switch!

Hopefully this one's working!!!

Pretty stoked today as i found one of the Habenaro White Jellybeans has finally sprouted after bloody ages of being sat on the nice warm modem. That was pretty much the final ones on my list of stuff i REALLY want to sprout too. Yey!!
It's working now. ;)

Going off, mate, plants look great! The plants outside especially look like they are loving their new home! :onfire:

Had some pretty strong wind here too earlier on in the week. I tell ya though, the silica I've been feeding 'em have toughened 'em up big time. I swear I could even hear my plants laughing at the wind!
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Id be planting the mature plants in the front garden Nee & keeping the young ones on the trolley hardening up.
The mature ones will double in size as soon as they hit that deep soil & they are already hardened to the elements.

Cheers for sharing that Cornish accent. ;)

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Id be planting the mature plants in the front garden Nee & keeping the young ones on the trolley hardening up.
The mature ones will double in size as soon as they hit that deep soil & they are already hardened to the elements.

Cheers for sharing that Cornish accent. ;)

Haha!! It's a Cornish cross accent now. I think i sound the same until l i speak to people back in Cornwall....then they comment how i do the Aussie thing of going up towards the end of sentences. lol

Anyway....yeah...hmmm...errrrm.... I *did* consider planting the bigger ones out front, but chickened out as i wanted to try the 3 that are there as a test, just in case the soil is bad, or there's not as much sun etc
I might give them a week, and then take the plunge!
Its more English (UK) slang actually, both Nee & myself are from England.

Mezo. (he`s still a donut) ;)

oi you!!! lol

OK, i was bored today and took a few pics of my baby pods.....nothing exciting, just more of the same really.....

Freshly sprayed Fish Pepper..


A Macedonian Pepper ripening...



Fatalii newbies...


Bhut Jolokia Asaam's


7 Pot Red x Yellow




Cili Goronong



Oh, and also me and my son Tom took a drive as there has been a couple of ping pong trick shots that he has been eyeing up for a few weeks.
On video these look pretty easy, but in real life these gaps are massive!!!

You are getting plenty of pods happening there bro!!! Especially for the colder climes of Melbourne this early. Some nice varieties as well.
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