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Nee's first pepper season. (Australia) Pics, vids & banter.. yey! \\(^o^)//

Hi all! Although i've been into hot sauces / chillies for a long time, a Google regarding "growing chillies in Australia" led me to this site......and onto amazing people here in Australia, who have inspired me to grow my own!
There's not a lot to report as of yet, but here's my story so far! Please feel free to give advice to a newbie, as i really want this human vs chilli relationship to work out!

The story so far....

Pre-soaking my chilli seeds. I have 14 or more varieties to sow: From top left to bottom right....

Habanero Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta da Neyde
Magnum Habanero
7 Pod Jonah

Habanero White Giant
Hot Fish
Cili Goronong
7 Pod Red crossed Yellow
Habanero White JellyBean


Cutting the seeds from a Yellow 7 Pod....this time with GLOVES!! lol I have a load of extra seeds saved...just in case the winter grow doesn't work out, and i need to replant in the spring.


Week 1....seeds are in a propagator, kept at a constant 25 degree's thanks to the cable modem it's sat on! I don't expect any change for 4 weeks or so....fingers crossed!
Now there's a thought... I could pot mine up and set it under the small Maple tree in our north yard. It'll get morning and afternoon sun directly, and dappled shade during the hottest part of the day.
Looks incredible, especially for a first-time grow. Makes my first grow look, er, you get the idea. It's funny how you get down to what is a managable number, whatever that number might be, then slowly other varieties seem to get added. Yup, seen it a lot on THP, and I myself am guilty, as well.

Keep the pics coming!
Like everyone has said you're doing awesome for a first time grow! :dance:
Pity about the heatless goronong or whatever they're called. I had that one penned down to get for next season. Keep us posted if you get a hot pod from it.

My grow got out of hand because I planned super mega huge and didn't have any thought for the practicality of having lots of plants. I have half my stock which is roughly 90 different varieties of seeds that didn't even get out of the box this season. It's all a learning experience for sure.
Nee, for a first season you sure have taken on alot of plants, and you seem to have really pulled it off. I've started my second season with about 10 varieties, and my head is spinning, I really look forward to learning what types of chilli I want to grow lol. Good to see your family is involved. My Family think I'm crazy. :crazy: Most of them couldn't handle something 500su.
Did you get any of that heat Nee? i see Mildura copped it at 45°C (113°F) did you see much of that in the burbs?

We got 37`s in the next day or two, 32 today & that`s two hot for me.

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Nee, for a first season you sure have taken on alot of plants, and you seem to have really pulled it off.

Many thanks Jay!! The whole thing has sort of crept up on me really! Initially i only intended on starting a few plants, but then (as a first timer) i sowed more than i needed "just in case only 1 grew".... But when they all survived i kept the weaker seedlings as back up "just in case"......and before i knew it they were all growing! To be fair, i blame Grant (Junglerain) lol After i'd been around to his place a couple of times and witnessed his garden, and his relaxed attitude to it all, i was hooked from thereon in i reckon!

Did you get any of that heat Nee? i see Mildura copped it at 45°C (113°F) did you see much of that in the burbs?

We got 37`s in the next day or two, 32 today & that`s two hot for me.


oioi Meeeez! Yeah, it got to about 39.5 here in Lara today....although whilst out on the road with work my car display was constantly giving mobile readings of 41 or so.

I got back home around 3:30 today and my first thought was to check my plants..... The majority of the mature plants were looking fantastic! Mainly due to them being housed under the shade-coth i think...but my newly potted up seedlings were looking in REALLY bad shape, with all of them looking limp and lifeless. I gave them some much needed water, and went to check on them an hour later when the temp had dropped to 30 or so and they had bounced back straight away! I was SO damned happy! So yeah, we survived the day of mucho-heat! It's back down to a normalish 28 tomorrow, and cooler for the weekend with a bit of much needed precipitation!

Here's some shots from this afternoon after work....

Todays heat has ripened my first 'full sized' pod....a Red x Yellow 7 pot. I'm really happy!!!!



The following image is becoming a daily occurance. Initially i was a bit disheartened with the size of the pods, but am confident that this will change as the plants mature.
Here's todays pickings, some small Yellow Fatalii's / Orange Mags and a couple of 7 Pots


I always keep a few pods to one side, so that i can use them in my food, plus i have given away a good 20 or so of the small pods to neighbors curious to try something different than what you can get in Coles or Woolies, but tonight i was amazed to see that, although the pods are quite small, they are still amounting to something. Im really pleased so far :)

Some Habs / 7 pot / Macedonian / Fatalii / Goronong

That "normal" sized pod makes the others look like chiletepins! ;) Congrats and I'm sure the pod sizes will increase as the plants become more mature.
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Shit 39°C is pretty warm for VIc, did you get much flower drop Nee?

Im getting mid to late 30`s right now & its not comfortable at all, my craker`s are glued to my arse cheeks.

Mezo. (cracker in Australia means your jocks, not a white fella)
Shit 39°C is pretty warm for VIc, did you get much flower drop Nee?

Nope...somehow everything here is going great guns!
I have quite a few plants that are now at waist height.... no idea when that happened, as it seems to be overnight!
My Pimenta De Neyde has finally shown signs of life...giving me a good few flowers today, which hopefully turn into some pods! My Macedonian has almost layed dormant for the last few weeks.....but today i was greeted with 30 odd flowers, so it appears that it's good for round 2!
And here is a pic i took of the lightening here last night...


I will post a few pics of the plants tomorrow evening :)
Wow! that's a pretty spectacular shot of that lightning bolt Nee.

Have you had any rain recently? (lightning doesn't necessarily mean rain...) That could account for the growth spurt. Both for the additional water and rainwater is slightly acidic... it dissolves nutes in the soil and washes them down to the roots. My plants always get their biggest growth spurts after a good rain.

and by the way... Warm greetings for the holiday season to you and yours from the stickman family
Have you had any rain recently? (lightning doesn't necessarily mean rain...) That could account for the growth spurt. Both for the additional water and rainwater is slightly acidic... it dissolves nutes in the soil and washes them down to the roots. My plants always get their biggest growth spurts after a good rain.

Yeah, rain is like magic sometimes! And it seems to be even better when it's storm rain and there is lightning about. Nothing better for your plants after being smashed by a summer's day than a good ol' storm (well, as long as it's not a severe storm... that's usually not too good :lol:).
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You should be in politics with a reply like that Gas. :rofl:

"We wholeheartedly support a new motorway to ease severe congestion, having said that we must respect the local constituents wishes in this matter & not forgetting to keep the project ecologically sustainable"

hey Nee, are you getting this real bad storm/wind at the moment? its blowing a gale down Colac way, looking at the weather radar it should be going straight over my place then down to your joint. Think its part of the weather system that took out Mezo's place.
hey Nee, are you getting this real bad storm/wind at the moment? its blowing a gale down Colac way, look at the weather radar it should be going straight over my place then down to your joint. Think its part of the weather system that took out Mezo's place.

No its not the same system. The one that hit mezo came from the south and traveled north east right over top of me. Was obviously a little less powerful by the time it reached us though
hey Nee, are you getting this real bad storm/wind at the moment? its blowing a gale down Colac way, looking at the weather radar it should be going straight over my place then down to your joint. Think its part of the weather system that took out Mezo's place.

Funny (or not so funny!?) you should say that FanMan!

I got home from work today and looked out the back window and noticed that the wind had blown over our sons basketball hoop...which is pretty heavy. Plus it had also managed to blow our heavy-ish barbecue around 45 degrees.....so i was fearing the worst as i stepped out the back door.

The area to side of the house is the place that cops the wind....other than that it's THE best place.....but i was stoked to find that not one plant had blown over. Phew!!

The tallest ones were showing signs that they had been blown in one direction for a while though, so i decided to move them over to the other side of the house until the winds die down. Plus the smallest plants i have i put in the mini greenhouse and shut the zipper, just to be safe!

Yeah, this wind today has been a right pain in the bum, but thankfully everything has survived unscathed....but nowhere near the same as poor Mez had. I haven't checked his log yet this evening, but i will in a sec...and i really hope to read that he's managed to save some of his plants, as well as the other stuff he kept in the tent.
Well, thankfully my plants survived the freakish winds we had here late last night.....it was absolutely HOWLING here!!! But thankfully my plants have 'manned up' now and seem to cope ok with the wind. It was pretty windy again all day again today, but all is well :)

I had another score on another load of free pots again today!
I was driving through a new housing estate and noticed a load of small trees laid over on their sides in large pots along the nature strip. As i appoached the address where i was to carry out some work i then spotted the truck containing the landscapers, who were going along the road digging holes and planting the trees. So i asked them if they didn't need the pots, could they leave them at the end of the road when they've finished planting them...to which they said "yeah, that's no problem at all!" Bonus!!! To me, these are worth at least $15 a pop....or at least that's roughly what they cost in the local hardware stores here....and i scored another 10 of them. It really made my day :)

The pots are the same size as the ones in the picture below, that i took today of my more mature plants......the Fatalii Yellow / 7 Pot Red x Yellow / Bhut Jolokia.
