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Nervous: KY Ren. Fair starts Saturday

Our booth is cleaned up, repainted in trouble spots, flowers planted out front.  We are going for dry run tonight.  Will put out and price swords, knives, jewelry, and my other hand crafts.  Going to take photos, discuss how things look, and then pack up until morning.  I dont remember being nervous in previous years.  Maybe nervous I would not get things done before we open, but about everything is done ahead of time this year.  Maybe it is because more is riding on it this year.

Been real sickly for the last few years.  Inventory has shown it.  Still not back up to an overfull booth, but I think it is looking good.  Rambling here because on facebook, I try to seem all confident.  So many folk from fair are on my friends list.  That and I have been forging my rear off to get ready, that means taking the extra "I love you man" pill more often.  I think they call it the break threw pill.

On the lighter side, plant out is about one day away.  My goal was to get it all done before opening day of fair.  But a few days ago, I decided best to switch efforts and focus entirely on the fair.  Fingers crossed, it looks like both the farm and forge will do well this year.  Maybe I can finally get done with the extra medical bills... kind of my goal.  I hate owing money to anyone.

Seriously, please do wish me luck.  Who knows, maybe when fair is done I can standardize some of the things I make and get an online store going for the forge too.  Would dig showing off my hand crafts.  I am such a frigging hippie.
Hippies with weapons?!?  What is this world coming to?
just kidding....
but,peppersbymail and swordsbymail, or forgedbymail....
I'll take one mixed sfrb of swords, knives, and jewelry, hah!
But, Good Luck, man!
I really love making stuff with my hands, just don't do it enough these days.
How'd you get started in blacksmithing?
I hope you bring the duck to the fair. That old pic of you with the duck on your shoulder was such a conversation piece, I could see it attracting people to your booth. Even if he is just walking around quacking. Good luck!
Back from fair.  Not rolling in money, but was best opening weekend since the whole leg thing.  Bunches of people commented on how I seem to be back to my old self.  I am guessing that attitude really effects sales.  Did bring a couple of this seasons baby ducks, but they didnt get out much.  Some photos on my facebook already, posted by patrons and shared.  I gotta move them somewhere else so I can link here.

Here is the best part.  Not moving away from the farm or anything, but it is seasonal.  The new jewelry I have been making went very well.  Maybe 25% of people who walked in purchased a little $5.00 or $10.00 thing.  So I am fairly sure larger events like the state and country fairs can do well.  The knives and swords did OK but they are so medieval looking, I dont think they are the type of thing that would sell at regular events.  That and a lot of events ban anything that might be a weapon.  Anyway, I have a lot of confidence that we can start doing other events again.

Thank you for the well wishes.
I used to work at the Sterling renaissance faire in NY, my dad made chainmaille and his business partners made plate armor. I squired for the joust, putting their armor on and the armor on the horses. Loved the ladies outfits..... :)
FishinHank said:
I used to work at the Sterling renaissance faire in NY, my dad made chainmaille and his business partners made plate armor. I squired for the joust, putting their armor on and the armor on the horses. Loved the ladies outfits..... :)

Some of the outfits are amazing.  Love to look, but not my thing.  One of the side benefits of being a blacksmith is our costumes are simple and dirty.  Glad to meet another crafter.  That is where my head is at with ren festivals.  I do like the setting, but I love the hand made goods.
aj~ you could email the pics to someone else and they can post them for you.  With the Extreme membership, I don't have to use an off-site server.  I'd be happy to help, or whoever else you know here~
tchotsauce -at- methow.com
I'd love to see some pics of the booth and your wares, and other pics of the faire.
I will get a blog post up and then link.  I think I can upload here.  Have a paid membership, but the lower level.  Not sure, but no bother.  I need that blog post anyway.  Trying to make the business website reflect more of who we are.  Probably be Monday because I want to get pictures of this year's baby ducks in training.  I train the babies at fair because no cats.

Am particularly proud of the way the booth is starting to look.  Added a flower garden this year.  Adding more stuff each weekend.  We camp there and I have extra time.  Been three years in a slump, letting things fall apart.  Is my come back year and trying to make sure the booth shows it.

Not too many knives or swords this year.  Focused on jewelry, but forging tons at the fair and will finish for later weekends and next year.  Really feels good to be able to stand and walk again.

(for pics)
yeah pics! Like to see a sword!
You can simply upload using Extreme, in case you were full, I've added the Unlimited package. Just click Full Editor.
Took a bit to get the pictures online.  Wrote a blog article and put them there.  Article is horrible cause i am exhausted.  Will edit later.  Also, have photos somewhere of the people and the booth that I want to share.  Put in flower garden and other eye candy things.  Again, sorry article sucks  Did forge welding this weekend, coal forge radiates the heat so much I feel like I have been baked.  Forge welding requires something like 2200 degrees, is exhausting over coal.  Home forge is gas, no radiation of heat cause is contained but folk at fair want to see smoke.



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