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seeds Never give up on seeds


These guys were kind of forgotten about all summer long and I just looked at them while cleaning out my entertainment center yesterday(I sprout a bunch of my seeds on top of my cable box).

Bonda Ma Jacques from Nova that I tried to sprout in April or May. Got a couple to sprout then but nothing else happened, kind of forgot about them for 5 months or so. Imagine my surprise...There are more than 30 sprouted now.



I did that with some seeds but they were planted outside in a container in June and nothing grew, so i just forgot about them and didn't even water the soil(just let mother nature handle the watering), then in September these little sprouts shot up. I thought maybe dandelion, chickweed something the wind blew in but I just left them and as their leaves formed I quickly realized... they were pepper seedling. BUT, not bonda's, your a lucky man! (it appears from the videos that bonda's are real tasty)
They are real easy to pull apart, just a a little bit of placenta holding them together. Already planted 3 for next year.
Wow - that's amazing. What has me scratching my head is that it sounds like you didn't water them at all; has it been really humid or something? (I wouldn't think so in your neck of the woods, but stranger things happen.) Any idea what prompted the sudden spurt?
Humid, in my neck of the woods? Are you kidding? Summertime humidity never dips below 90% and that is only if we go for weeks without rain, then its still in the high 80's. They were also on a wet paper towel sealed up in a ziploc tupperware thingy. :lol:

I am guessing that the temp drop helped them come out of dormancy or something like that.
Ah - I didn't realize they were in a sealed container - that would definitely make a difference. I was envisioning a dried-out paper towel, then suddenly these things started sprouting without any water, and thinking "why aren't they just dead?" Clearly I've never started seeds on a wet paper towel!

Didn't know TN was humid - doesn't seem like it "should" be - landlocked, no big bodies of water around. But let's qualify that - my comparisons are Houston (humidity out the wazoo), L.A., and Cleveland (OH), with Cleveland being very dry compared to Houston, in spite of being on Lake Erie. The people here think it's humid, but I don't consider it that way at all by Houston standards. Even though L.A. is on the ocean, it's not nearly as humid as Houston, in general.
Longest it took me to germinate seeds is 8 weeks. That was for a 7pot primo. Another one that took forever was 7 weeks on a barrackpore 7pot.

Even had mystery seeds germinate after dumping it and recycling it forrepotting or something.

Yeah Geeme, With the Smoky Mountains qualifying as a rain forest and the Tennessee River snaking its way through Knoxville, we get plenty of humidity. Now I cannot vouch for the rest of Tennessee, but us here in The Valley have it bad.
Yeah, I've only really spent time in Nashville, and it's definitely not as humid as Houston. Sounds like it is less humid than Knoxville, too.
Wow thats awesome. I actually planted some seeds in a jiffy pot and only 1 out of the 3 I planted came up in a month, I figured the others must have just been dead. Two weeks later I see two tiny white spots coming out of the dirt, I take a closer look and there it is.

Not to be a downer or anything but isn't that mold growing on some of the seeds there? Couldn't that damage the seedlings?
Yeah it is mold and yeah, it could probably damage the seedlings. But, I got what I needed to out of the seeds, 3 sprouts :) I still have a ton of seeds left over for this variety too so this was basically just a toss in and see what grows.