New and have a ?

You are correct. For the Avatar, just use whatever picture editing software you use to resize the image to fit within the limitations (150 pixels by 150 pixels I think someone said), do a save as, give it a name, then upload that file as your avatar.

It is a great tutorial! That's how I load them on the GW forums as well. My only ? is that the instructions seem to be for putting a photo within a post, not as an avatar. When I try to add a photo there, it pulls up a browse button to select a file from your hard drive. So not sure how to use the Photobucket option there.
Welcom to THP, :dance: Hope you get your Avatar squared away seems like you got some good suggestion coming at you.

I love Colorado by the way, spent a lot of time fishing up around Basalt on the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork!
Welcom to THP, :dance: Hope you get your Avatar squared away seems like you got some good suggestion coming at you.

I love Colorado by the way, spent a lot of time fishing up around Basalt on the Fryingpan and Roaring Fork!

Thanks HotSauceSource! I love it here too. The short season, and cool summer nights can make gardening a challenge, but peppers do pretty well for me here.
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers




That's cute, in a creepy sort of way : )