New and have a ?


I just joined yesterday, and when I went to load a picture from my computer for my avatar, I keep getting a message that says there's no photo to load, or photo to big. Can anyone help me?

Bonnie? Welcome. There are some rules on the file size of avatars. I can't recall what the size limits are, but they are pretty small (64X64) seems to stick in my brain, but check out the profile or member section and it should tell you.
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May Your Soul Rest In Peppers



Welcome from CT - and yes there are size limitations right click and properties will tell you the size you are trying to upload and its 100x100
Yes it will. In fact, Josh did an awesome tutorial on how to do so.

It is a great tutorial! That's how I load them on the GW forums as well. My only ? is that the instructions seem to be for putting a photo within a post, not as an avatar. When I try to add a photo there, it pulls up a browse button to select a file from your hard drive. So not sure how to use the Photobucket option there.