NEW Extreme Memberships

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The Gallery already has 1/2 a gig in less than a day from one member! Now you can see why this is a paid feature :lol:

I see another server upgrade in the near future.

Well, enjoy!
Just sharing for those that don't know how big galleries get.

Now worries here, it's growth. Server upgrades just mean the site is growing.

Say, Boss, I can't seem to view the X B2B section. I can access the other X section, but not B2B. Is it a permissions thing?
Sale ends at 6:55 PM EDT.

I've deleted your pending invoice.

Start over and enter it as:

Sales ends at 11:59 EDT since some people thought it ran "through" Sunday, and I stopped it at the post time instead.

So hurry and grab it.
TapaTalk installed try it out. :)

Thanks for the suggestion.

(browser notifications disabled)
Well, after careful thought I have realized that cutting out THP was not what I want to do :P

I want you guys to know I understand the reason for the change and I think it is a great idea!
Bandwidth, hardware, and time are not cheap, and this is a good way to make up for it and then some.

The part that I am not a fan of is educational content, more specifically the EXGrowing section. I have have been lurking around watching the original Growing section and I have noticed a difference in activity. Basically if you are not a EX member then you are missing out on the info in the extreme section.

I would much rather put up with adds than be deprived of content because I cant afford it.

I absolutely agree that the new features are WORTH every penny, but there is a difference between content and features. The stuff in the EX growing section is 100% content.

So to say that nothing has changed for regular member is not correct. Regular members are now missing out on the same info that they would have had access to before, because it is now in the EX section.

I don't want to come off as a Troll and be band. what I want to do is explain my self for my previous post in this thread.

I would miss this site too much to just up and quit, because I don't like one part of it. However I am still a firm believer that MY content should be Free.

I know I am the Lone Wolf here on this, but hows this for an idea?

Only EXmembers could post in the EX Gardening section, but everyone could see it... ;)
You're looking at it the wrong way, (here I go again LDHS :D ).
You want growing info? There's years of threads available on the site, plants and growing of them haven't changed.
But if that's all you're worried about, there's lots of growers still posting only in the regular section:
pic 1
915 river
spicy chicken
etc, the list goes on. I'me sure with the talents of knowledge of them, you're not missing out on knowledge, so just don't worry about it, let it go man.
I hate to admit it.... but I agree with Cayennemist. I think starting forums on paid memberships in the long run will turn the internet into pay as you go posting.
What are the benefits of using the gallery vs. hosting pics elsewhere? Would it not save a lot of space doing it the old way, or is there added features?
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