New from Kauai, HI

Welcome from Southfield Michigan.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



psoas10 said:
I lurked on here for over a year, finally decided to post. I see there are some people from Hawaii here.

welcome welcome! glad you decided to join us!! I was in Kauai when I was in high school on a 3 week backpacking trip... (well we spent 4 days on a cadamiran (spelling?) and 5 days on the big island) .. but I would have to say that Kauai is the most beautiful place I have ever been to. Im glad I was there 3 weeks bc the first 2 weeks I was in shock and couldnt grasp the fact that all of it was real! Please keep in mind I grew up in Jersey where the water is brown , swamps, etc! I will never forget the passion fruit smell as I Hiked the Napli coast!!! :o) Thanks for bringin back memories!