New from Knoxville, TN!

Hello there, I'm Arthur. I'm 22 y/o and a mechanical engineering student at UT Knoxville. I'm insanely passionate about cars, with hopes of molding my entire future, career and all, around such. I just recently started growing hot peppers. I've got a good bit of hands-on gardening experience, but never with peppers, so I figured what the hell. I've currently got a few Thai chilies, cayenne, long cayenne, trinidad scorpions, habaneros of some sort, some sort of jalapeño cross (? I'll post pictures soon), jalapeños, and some bells growing. I'm hoping to over-winter the best of them indoors. 
I've got the majority of the harvest drying thus far (aside from what I use to cook with), with hopes of some good powder and maybe some infusions of both oils and alcohols. I also want to try my hand at sauce-making for some *HOT* holiday gifts (get it?). 
I'm really just trying to broaden my knowledge/collection of hot peppers as I can feasibly see this being a continued hobby in the coming years. 

Welcome to THP.                                                                                                      From St.Aug.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thanks, guys! I'm already learning a lot from the boards and have many peppers and seeds on their way to add to my collection. Seems like a great community here. 
Thanks for the welcome! 
I'd like to get the East TN folks together for some grilling out or something. I know there are a few of us, and I have some friends that love/grow hot peppers as well, but they just aren't on the boards. 

Maybe a regional cookout? 
Welcome as you know I am in Elizabethton just right up the road from you working on my pepper seed collection too. Hope we can get together some time. I use to work on cars a good bit too. Now a fly fishing guide.
