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New home for my Bonda Ma Jacque

Whilst browsing THP yesterday at work (yes i know i should be working) i stumbled upon a link by Salsalady. Two young lads in a short vid were making a self watering system.
I liked it so i grabbed two new buckets that we normally mix polyurethane in and ten minutes later ended up with this, my Bonda should love me for it i reckon lol.

All you need is two five gallon buckets, a plastic cup (i used acrylic tube)and a length of 1 inch pvc pipe (i used copper pipe cuz im all steampunk). Tools used were a cordless drill, 6mm drill, 25mm hole saw and 3 inch hole saw.

Bottom watering is the way to go, wick watering is cool because the plant only uses what it needs, self watering is good because it leaves more time for drinking beer!

It is said that if you cover the top of the soil with plastic this system uses 1/8th the amount of water. Time will tell if the plant likes it or not.


New pot and the old pot that the plant came from sitting next to it. No it didn't get that big in the little pot, it was put in there after being in the ground last season.

One of the pods on it, kinda looks like donald duck
Very Nice indeed, professional construction, How many of these you have plans for?

Low maintenance, gotta love that! Need to call it the Ron-co bucket system set it and forget it. I will have another beer please.:beer:

Cool Beans Nova!
Very Nice indeed, professional construction, How many of these you have plans for?

Low maintenance, gotta love that! Need to call it the Ron-co bucket system set it and forget it. I will have another beer please.:beer:

Cool Beans Nova!

I can see in the future many more of these bring made. When i get into my new place i will probably have twenty odd.

Thanks Sean!
Looking good. What kind of container mix did you use?

Here is a link that may interest some of you guys.
It even includes a soil recipe for these types of containers. 3:2:1 ratio of potting mix, pine bark, and perlite.
Well being in the situation i am at the moment i am forbode to spend any money on anything thats not absolutely necessary (beer is i argue) because we have to move house soon. This mix contains soil that was high in clay content fron my old place (lots of silica in clay) and some unamended soil from my mums place, all that has in it is some cow manure and normal potting mix with bark through it.

When i went to soak it though it would not hold water, it was like duck dirt lol the water just ran off. That was rectified by applying a small amount of liquid detergent to the surface and hosing in real good. Seems to have fixed the water retention problem. I have never used perlite in any of my mixes, just seems to be un-necessary for my needs.
This is such an incredible idea. Yours looks excellent. I have plenty of empty pails and tons of plants with lots of room to grow. I'm def trying this one out
Cool link Josh thanks!

+1 josh, that is quite extensive, took some time to but that pdf together!

Hay Scott you think you can find that link salsalady posted? drop it here. I also posted a link the other day about these buckets, just wondering if it is the same guys.

When It gets a little warmer I am going to experiment with 55 gallon barrels with the same configuration, maybe 3 wicking cups ect!

Thanks SC
+1 josh, that is quite extensive, took some time to but that pdf together!

Hay Scott you think you can find that link salsalady posted? drop it here. I also posted a link the other day about these buckets, just wondering if it is the same guys.

When It gets a little warmer I am going to experiment with 55 gallon barrels with the same configuration, maybe 3 wicking cups ect!

Thanks SC

I think this is the topic in conversation...

P.S. the link above wont go to the first post, but just scroll up lol...

here is the link to the global bucket videos thought about tring this one also when i find a minute
