I am friends with several people who are connected to NMSU and have seen much of the HPLC testing done there on many varieties of peppers. One of these friends told me that a HOT Bhut usually comes in around 800,000 SHU. The one that topped 1mil was a freak even though it was duplicated. There are always going to be these freak peppers. Remember the Red Savina? It tested at 577,000 SHU even though most habaneros never top 300,000. So... if some mad scientist can create a super stressed naga and get someone to test it at 1.5mil that is NO indication that its offstpring ie seeds will ever get to that heat level. You have to grow many generations of this new pepper and get it stable before that is even remotely a possibility. Do not fall for nonsense on ebay or facebook.