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New member, first post, first sauce

I'm a bit of a pepper head, and a gardener. In the past, I've pickled peppers, made jalapeno jelly, and this fall, I made my first sauce. It's pictured next to some jalapenos I canned.

I used a mixture of red wine and apple cider vinegars along with whole datils. The heat is nice, and it's super fruity in flavor.
Looks nice!


hope you have fun on THP.
Hi everyone, and thanks for the welcome!

I made this sauce in the fall, and opened my first jar in February. I had some that I didn't can, but put strait in the fridge instead. I used that up before diving in to the preserved stuff.

I've read that a few months in the jar blends the flavor. I can't really attest to that, because I liked it so much straight from the first batch!

What I can say is that I didn't add any ingredients to the sauce because I wanted the sauce to be an ingredient itself that I can add to other things, and it is working out well.

I added some to store bought salsa, for example, and it made it soooo much better.

I mix some with ketchup and molasses and get a nice dip.

I add some to barbecue sauce, and again, it adds great heat and flavor.

And about the flavor, perhaps it's like a first love, but I am forever hooked on datils. If you have not tried them I suggest you do so.

People who do not like hot foods complain that all hot peppers are the same, or the burning hides all the flavor anyway, etc. There is no way this can be said about the datil pepper (and I'm sure there are other varieties as well). Datils have a distinct flavor that cannot be hidden, no matter what you do! I think the fruity vinegars I used in the sauce help to that end as well.