**NEW Member

Hi everyone. Thank you all for the warm welcome here.
My name is Mad Mike and I am the Organizer/Chairman for the New England Regional Chili Cookoff that will be May 3,2008. I won't go into detail...but it'll be a HOT time.We'd love to have you join us!
Stay hot y'all!
Mad Mike
A reply about early CCO's

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Welcome to THP Mad Mike. Why not have the chili cookoff in the fall when the chilis are ripe. Keepin' it hot.

We try to have our event early in the ICS year. Last year we had 38 cooks from 10 different states....:mouthonfire:
You should come...it's a HOT time!
Mad Mike
Hi Y'all....
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I really mean it. It's a nice place that I expect to visit alot. We might need to redecorate...I need a lava lamp and a comfy chair and a place to put beer.....lol
Thanks again!
Mad Mike