New Moderator - scratchzilla

The Hot Pepper

Please welcome scratchzilla to the moderating team!
Cheers! I don't know scratchzilla because i'm new, best wishes to him for an happy moderation (lol i know this "job" and can be quite annoying sometimes)!
Nice! I think he will do a great job. He's a pretty damm fart smellah! :D

And when I am drunk enough to finally see that butterfly in his Magic Eye avatar, I will report myself.

salsalady said:
welcome as the new sandbox referee, scratch~  :)  whatever you do, please don't ban Scovie,  his DPs are too funny!  :lol:
And SL knows some sheeit!

"LIKE" bombed. :rofl:
salsalady said:
welcome as the new sandbox referee, scratch~  :)  whatever you do, please don't ban Scovie,  his DPs are too funny!  :lol:
I just read the DPs part in the complete wrong way! Lmao.
And welcome to the mod team scratchzilla!
DP = Drunk Post
SE = Sober Edit

When he DPSEs we endearingly call it a Dipsy.


scratchzilla, that's really all you need to know. This will take up 98% of your time. :lol:
I would say congratulations, but I am not sure that is correct.  Now I may finally get that warning point I have always wanted!!!