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New Pepper Plants - Not super happy?

Hi folks! This is my first post. Thanks for providing this helpful place :)

I am new to the pepper hobby, although I have done a great deal of general vegetable gardening in the past with great success, always organic with no fertilizer or pesticides, and using drip irrigation.

I now have seven new small plants that I got maybe 6 weeks ago from Jim at SuperHotChiles.com (local in San Diego for me). Great guy. They are on a south-facing balcony that gets plenty of sun.

Some of them aren't looking too happy, and I'm not sure why. They have no visible pests. At one point I thought I was overwatering, so I cut back, and they seemed to get greener. Then 2 days ago I was leaving for a day trip and checked the soil - slightly moist, so I let them be for 1.5 days - I come back and they are yellowish. I gave them some water yesterday, and now they are "okay". See for yourself:

First 5 plants:

3 on left of first pic: giant white hab, white bhut, and d'espelleta:

2 on right - sugar rush cream, Peter pepper:

Two more plants - "Big Bang," and White Hab:

I feel like because I'm paying attention to them and worrying about them, they are doing worse XD I know the first two in the first pic are ready to be repotted; I can see roots in the bottom. However, the others are not root-bound. I have not been feeding them any fertilizer, although everyone seems to recommend it. I topped the d'espelleta, and it hasn't grown back with fervor yet. A lot of the leaves just seem unenthusiastic. I've wondered if I just dont know how to hand water, as I am accustomed to drip - although ive been growing other plants for over a year at this location with no such issues.

Any feedback, comments, suggestions would be welcome. I have EB Stone Ultimate Recipe potting mix and perlite ready for repotting; I bought some mycorrhizae and some fox farms grow big from researching on here. I just want mah peppers!

Thanks everyone!
They look alright. I would repot them all in bigger pots now with that potting mix you mentioned. Set them up on drip again :) Then let the warm weather take care of things. I'm not familiar with Fox Farms Grow Big, but I wouldn't get too carried away with its use. Looking now the directions for it say to use every other watering. Personally I water every single day in my summers, so that would be excessive in my case.
Welcome to The Hot Pepper.
Hello and welcome.Pot the plants up and fertilize them.Dont over water let the soil dry out a bit.JD usually has all his seedlings outside now yours are indoors they may need to adjust to their new environment.
mpicante said:
.JD usually has all his seedlings outside now yours are indoors they may need to adjust to their new environment.
 I made that mistake with a batch of plants from him, As soon as I got them potted and outside they came around.  I think I babied them a bit more then they needed and like any kid they rebelled.
Welcome to THP
Can only agree with the others.  Those small pots of unknown soil are probably getting depleted.  Plonk them and fresh soil into bigger pots, wallybags, or whatever you're using and they should perk up within the week.