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greenhouse New Project.....11-08-08...portable greenhouse


I have been trying to think of the most cost effect (read cheap) solution to extending my growing season and being able to start an early grow season next year and what I found was exactly what I wanted...

I ordered a 10' X 20' Portable Carport with a metal frame with a "no tear" clear plastic cover...this is going to be my greenhouse...I am going to pick it up at noon today and put it up this afternoon...I should be able to extend my grow season and overwinter a bunch of plants in it...that is the plan right now and it will also give me a great place for hardening off my plants for next years plantout...I will take it down and store it during the warmer months...

Pics will be coming when I pick up the unit, bring it home and start putting it up...sure hope it comes with instructions... ;)
AlabamaJack said:
sure hope it comes with instructions... ;)

Coincidentally, my uncle bought a white one about 2 years ago and there were no directions to be found.
if there are no instructions, I may just have to "re-engineer" it...roflmao...
I always seem to re-engineer it more efficiently than originally designed. Or at least that's what I tell myself when I don't read the directions and there are pieces left over....
This chick is hot though.

No wonder you can't afford new lights! 200 sq. ft. - That's quite a bit of room to harden off plants, especially if they are in six-inch pots or smaller.

You guys are killin' me...giggling here...

here is the first two pics of erection...



I know the legs aren't straight...I am off to Homus Depost to get some tie downs for this baby...back in a little bit...

and anyone that wants to come by and hang out are sure welcome...
AlabamaJack said:
here is the first two pics of erection...
and anyone that wants to come by and hang out are sure welcome...

It's not as big as I thought it would be, but I've been staring at it for the last 10 minutes.
Ok guys he's gone now, let's play a funny trick on him before he gets back.
AlabamaJack said:
here is the first two pics of erection...

and anyone that wants to come by and hang out are sure welcome...

Sounds like you are having a casting call for one of them there blue movies!

OK...it is up and staked down...here are a couple of shots...it is not as "air tight" as I wanted but a little visquene and some duct tape will work wonders...


wordwiz said:
Sounds like you are having a casting call for one of them there blue movies!


roflmao...I just got it Mike...I probably should have used the word construction instead of erection... ;)
wordwiz said:
Looking good. Get a way to seal it and a decent heater and you could extend your season quite a few weeks.


that's what I'm hoping and it will let me get a jump start on next years crop too...
Great idea man, a temporary greenhouse is perfect for TX considering our short dead season. That looks like it came out really well.

I'd like to suggest that next year you try planting some peppers directly in that dirt, or in a rebuilt garden if the dirt isn't that great. I can guarantee you it will mean far less watering and the plants will grow larger. You could still have a row or two of plants in pots to overwinter if you desire.

One neat things about plants in dirt, they will go find the moisture.

Chris...I bought the whole thing as a unit for less than 600...I asked about replacement sides/top/ends. One side is a complete 20 feet and the other is two 10 feet pieces...seems the 20 side is about 75, the 10 foot ones are about 40, the top is about 120 and the ends are about 50 each...I will get to see how sturdy it is tomorrow night...we are supposed to get some bad weather ahead of the cold front coming in...possible hail and tornadoes and a 70% chance of rain...then the highs next week are in the 60s with the lows in the 40s...seems I got this just in time...

the good thing is the guy I got it from is local so there is no shipping charges on any of the stuff...

Mike...I am planning on planting in the dirt this coming year...early next year, I will start working the dirt out of my containers into the soil in the "urban garden"...