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New section - Sauce Making 101

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The Hot Pepper

New section for sauce making. Newbies can ask questions, and pros can post tips!
no offense and I agree it's funny, but I'd personally like to see this thread stay on topic... son of EZ or not, I think this is a great place for the business "guru" types to share a bit of wizdom and help out folks in the earlier stages of creation and sales of hot sauces and such...


(I'll probably get yelled at for this post for some reason... go figure...)
Sorry Kuz... I just had to interject a little since I'm NOT a pro, but trying to be.

The way this biz is right now, word of mouth is what makes or breakes you..Defcon has all of his shizzle together, and I aspire to be like that...one day...without all of the paranoia! (heh, heh)
DevilDuck said:
Sorry Kuz... I just had to interject a little since I'm NOT a pro, but trying to be.

The way this biz is right now, word of mouth is what makes or breakes you..Defcon has all of his shizzle together, and I aspire to be like that...one day...without all of the paranoia! (heh, heh)

Hi - I'm back! The question is D.D., what is your definition of being a "pro". In other words, what is your targeted market as a pro? Is it selling here online? Is it pushing silly little bottles with funky tops? Or, do you really want to go for pallets of hot sauce moving out to distributors to resell to retailers? Or do you want some type of MLM program? Just because you are starting small doesn't mean you don't have to have a road map to your future destination. I know Defcon personally. He works the blogs very seriously (with a purpose) but I know too that he has aspirations that are far beyond what blogging can do for him. And I see his plannig eventually taking him where he want s to go with it - mainstream distribution. Now if we can just get him to ride his horse without holding on to the horn with both hands on the horn! - :) - E.Z.
E.Z. Earl said:
I know Defcon personally. He works the blogs very seriously (with a purpose) but I know too that he has aspirations that are far beyond what blogging can do for him. And I see his plannig eventually taking him where he want s to go with it - mainstream distribution. Now if we can just get him to ride his horse without holding on to the horn with both hands on the horn! - :) - E.Z.

I am targeting mainstream production, and at my own pace, hence the lack of "growing pains", thanks for the good words Earl.

Oh, and as for the horse comment, at least I stay ON my horse! LOL!

Oh yeah, and next year tell Nancy to tell her horse not to kick me! LOL!

Definitely looking forward to a couple days on the deck with whiskey and tequila. I won't be able to make the full week, but I should be there!
DEFCON Creator said:
I am targeting mainstream production, and at my own pace, hence the lack of "growing pains", thanks for the good words Earl.

Oh, and as for the horse comment, at least I stay ON my horse! LOL!

Oh yeah, and next year tell Nancy to tell her horse not to kick me! LOL!

Definitely looking forward to a couple days on the deck with whiskey and tequila. I won't be able to make the full week, but I should be there!

:) Can Nancy help it if she rides a horse with discerning tastes on who he likes to be seen with? Looking forward to Montana. We'll be there in May, June and July. Hope Maggie can ride again and stay awhile.

BTW came back fron the White Stallion with a solid leads for 3 restaurants, a retail gift store, a dozen personal consumers, and a potential distributor in Germany! China also checked in right afterwards. How do you say E.Z. Earl in Chinese? If shows that marketing comes in all shapes and sizes in all sorts of different venues. You jusst have to have a series of short, intermediate and long term goals that lead to your desired destination :!: -E.Z.
E.Z. Just a label and a place to sell right now would be great! I've been asking questions of a few people concerning the finer aspects of this business, and everyone has been helpful!

As far as going pro and what it means to me? I'm not sure I can answer that. But, quitting my day job and earning a living would be nice!
DevilDuck said:
E.Z. Just a label and a place to sell right now would be great! I've been asking questions of a few people concerning the finer aspects of this business, and everyone has been helpful!

As far as going pro and what it means to me? I'm not sure I can answer that. But, quitting my day job and earning a living would be nice!

Sorry D.D., but I am a bit ignorant on the current status of your sauce(s?). Are they ready for prime time? Be sure, then turn to the name (check out my "Beware the Ogre!" thread first) and finally work it all into a label with a layout that picks up the thread of your product. Re the label, I know cutsey and vulgar are popular attention getters within the chilihead community, but I can guarantee you I would not have picked up the huge BEST OF SHOW award over some pretty big food companies if I had not had a gourmet sauce covered by a "G-Rated" lablel and name. My point being that one simple decision right where you are now can ripple down (and affect) the entire future of your marketing program. Really lay out a well thought out plan of action in the very beginning. Let me know if I can help with free advice - you don't have to take it! Also, you might talk with Ryan ("The Angry Pepper") about start-up labeling and costs. He has a pretty good finger on the pulse of the chilihead market.
The whole label thing is still on the drawing board. I have ideas and everything is looking good. There's nothing vulgar going on. I think when I have a finished one, I'll post it so everyone can see.

I'm talking to a co-packer right now, but the only thing that's holding me back is capital.

The research I've done on all the names (brand and sauce) are good. There are a few things on the market with "Devil Duck", but not "Devil Duck's Sauce". I should be ok, none of which are food products.

As far as how they taste, you can ask Marco (and soon guitargod) about my "Nuclear Scurvy". I've honed that recipe pretty good.
DevilDuck said:
The whole label thing is still on the drawing board. I have ideas and everything is looking good. There's nothing vulgar going on. I think when I have a finished one, I'll post it so everyone can see.

I'm talking to a co-packer right now, but the only thing that's holding me back is capital.

The research I've done on all the names (brand and sauce) are good. There are a few things on the market with "Devil Duck", but not "Devil Duck's Sauce". I should be ok, none of which are food products.

As far as how they taste, you can ask Marco (and soon guitargod) about my "Nuclear Scurvy". I've honed that recipe pretty good.

Sounds pretty good so far. So long as your name is in a different PTO classification (ie; phameceuticals) you shouldn't have much trouble. Hmmm... :) you didn't mention what your target market is?! And how do you plan to penetrate it?!
DevilDuck said:
Right now I'm looking at the local market (specialty stores, bars & restaurants, etc.) and getting a website started so I can sell from there as well. Baby steps!

As I said previously, "...make small things happen in a great way!" Good luck with your journey. - E.Z.
E.Z. Earl said:
"Also, you might talk with Ryan ("The Angry Pepper") about start-up labeling and costs. He has a pretty good finger on the pulse of the chilihead market."

Thanks Earl! Hey Double D (that so could be taken the wrong way, but I love it) If you have any questions about the label stuff, feel free to contact me through my site. I'd love to be able to help you out (advice is always free). If I don't have the answers you seek, I know where to get them, and can help you keep the costs down on the label side of things. Good luck to ya!
Ryan@angrypepper said:
Thanks Earl! Hey Double D (that so could be taken the wrong way, but I love it) If you have any questions about the label stuff, feel free to contact me through my site. I'd love to be able to help you out (advice is always free). If I don't have the answers you seek, I know where to get them, and can help you keep the costs down on the label side of things. Good luck to ya!

Definitely speak with Ryan, DD. Very knowledgable, professioanl, and a nice guy (even though he doesn't like to admit it :) ).
[quote name='Cap'n Bones']Yep, I agree! AND as a special bonus, Ryan knows how to spell![/QUOTE]

LOL - I gave up trying to spell years ago. Shortly after they stopped testing me :)
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