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New Tattoo

Well, I guess I am going down the "Harley Guy" road and decided its time to express myself some more with new ink. I am taking the plunge into the world of "sleeves" and here is the first 3 hour session (its all the time he had available). Since I have a Dragon on my right upper arm and they have scales and breath fire, scales and fire is what we are doing. Once the sleeve is more defined we will modify the Dragon a bit more and add a mountain backdrop into it with a wizard (cant have dragons without wizards, now can we???).
Here is the first installment of 4. Going to get more done in a couple weeks because doing a whole sleeve fast isnt usually done and yeah, it does hurts I dont care who you are some areas are just tender. But as anyone who has gotten a tat knows, pain is temporary. Plus I have a Harley payment to make next paycheck. LOL



love the shading in the colour mate. nice work. can you put up pics of the dragon too, for a before and after?
Do you have others? That looks awesome. I love the scales under the flame. I always loved that classic flame look.

If you think that getting ink on your forearms hurts try getting it on the inside of your bicep...that will bring a grown man to his knees....

everyone has their own opinions no offense taken....I have several tats. I'll have to get some pics.....thats pretty cool mixing the flames and scales!
I respect your opinion Judy, you and my mother would get along great. LOL

The lower will tie into the Dragon I got back in college. We are going to modify/add to it with a mountain backdrop. There will be a cave entrance between the head and lower arm with a path leading down below and a wizard standing with his wand out shooting energy into the ball, should look pretty sick. As the scales go up to the dragon area, they are going to fade out into ghost scales.
PepperLover said:
i hate tattoos they look meaningless all the way. i think its wast of money time and body .. no offend thats what i think

Hey PepperLover, in my opinion its the motive of getting it that holds the meaning. This is mine, it was done on what would have been my brother's 18th birthday, and the following 2 days. He passed away after a life long fight with Cystic Fibrosis. the phoenix is him being reborn and free, and the writing "Warrior on earth. Angel in heaven" is what's on his head stone. This way i can carry a part of my little brother on my back for life. I do understand your thoughts, especially when you see young people getting tatts just because they "look cool". But there are some very meaningful ones out there.
PepperLover said:
i hate tattoos they look meaningless all the way. i think its wast of money time and body .. no offend thats what i think

Not a waste of money, time, or body if it is what the person wants. To each their own.