new to site and wanted to show pepper plants

I have three plants right now and i was wondering what kind one of them is and the other two is a jalapeno "i think" and a Ghost chile. The fourth pic is the one im not sure about. Im also not sure if the jalapeno is ready to be picked. Other pics ive seen would say their ready but i hope someone can give me some advice so i dont get ahead of myself.. Looking forward to getting to know some fellow pepper lovers and personally i love eating the and really enjoy growing them :cool:




Welcome to the forum.

Nice plants you got there.
They seem well treated so keep up the good work.

That first one looks more like a Serrano than a Jalapeno. Serranos have the hairy stems and leaves and Jals dont. Cant tell you much on the last one. What does the tag say?
The jalapeños are "officially chili head ready" when they turn red. If you have never had a ripe one, you are missing out! Much sweeter, and much better flavor. My knee jerk reaction on the last one is hot cherry pepper.

Good luck with your grow!
The jalapeños are "officially chili head ready" when they turn red. If you have never had a ripe one, you are missing out! Much sweeter, and much better flavor. My knee jerk reaction on the last one is hot cherry pepper.

Good luck with your grow!

the tag says cherry
I have not seen a cherry pepper look so oblong, those look more like Cajun Belle or some hybrid. My hot cherry peppers are much more flat and mushroom shaped.