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new years sauce

Ok I got ahead of myself and grew a lot of peppers last year. I froze all of them. I have been making sauce with the frozen peppers and the sauce is turning out great. So today I got a bug up my ass and thought I would make a sauce for the new year. So far it has 27 yellow devils tongue and 3 yellow bhut in the recipe and probably a hungover cook. Please help in what I should put in it. Thanks Will update this thread all day Saturday
what ^they^ said...plus a little onion and garlic...

you don't need a whole lot of vinegar, part vinegar and part lime/lemon works also.

cider vinegar and rice vinegar (not the seasoned kind) are options.
It also depends on the mode of storage you tend to use.

If you're gonna freeze it, then thaw to use....you can get away with less vinegar, I'd say. If it's going directly into the fridge....then you don't need the vinegar at all....but it'll spoil very fast.
You can also use lemon juice. I usually replace vinegar with lemon juice on a 1:1.5 ratio. 1 C vinegar gets 1.5 C lemon juice, I know it puts my pH where I want it but not may be the exact ratio needed for pH concerns, just what I do. Unless just creating then I play around and add what is needed to make the pH tester say around 3.5.