contest New Year's TD Ideas

Dang... Looks like I am out then G! LMAO! wishig my first TD was on the pit tho... Think it would be SUPER fun to take a TD on my first found on a smoker! ;)
Thanks for reporting this topic TB. I have removed one credibility point. :)

I spend my time cooking like a man, not prancing in front of the oven in a dress, heels, and an apron doing girlie shit like baking.


*That should stir something pun intended. ;)
This may have been before your time here but....


Oven ribs!
Well...I can say, that if this TD does end up being wife, for once, is actually pumped about this one. She's already laid out a few killer ideas.
cory_huck, check out the rules at the top of these posts and, as geeme suggested, past TDs.

It's a lot of fun...BUT!!!! NO PEA-SHOOTERS ALLOWED! Only cherry-pitters, carrot-peelers, potato-mashers, garlic-crushers, citrus-reamers, lime-squeezers, food processors and the occasional muddler.
Margarita blenders are a given....:cool:

Hope to see you in the fray next month~

I think AJ's referring to a person who is no longer a member.
why on earth would you even eat salmon when there are so many other fish in the ocean that taste better?.... :rofl:

***running for cover and dodging all the stuff being thrown at me***
I'm with AJ. Cooked salmon tastes like cat food. Smoked, and sushi, I dig though.
I knew that would get TBs attention...
I will say that smoked you sent was the best I ever had...

back on topic....

hey...I got an idea....everyone just cook what the heck they want...
hey...I got an idea....everyone just cook what the heck they want...

We kind of just did that with the best thing you ever ate. Kind of. The entries were random and what one would want to cook.