• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Startup Help.

Newbie here

Just thought I say hi. I'm Damon  I get bored easily and me and the secretary and work love to introduce each other to the newest hot sauces we have found.  so I bought some easy fermenter lids and some jars.  ordered some Ghost peppers online and should be arriving in the next day or two.  I look forward to crusing the site.
P.s.  yes I know I'm a terrible speller
Welcome to the madness, Damon. Glad to have you aboard! Definitely take some time reading through the pages here. The "stickied" threads contain a wealth of information and are a great place to start. They'll help you immensely, but if you can't find the answer you're looking for, by all means, feel free to ask here! There are tons of helpful members here that are more than willing to help you out

Can't wait to see what else you come up with. Oh, and we love pics around here ;)
ok first question.  if I added salt with anti cakeing agent do I need to toss it and start over.
2 with the easy fermenter lids to I need a starter culture or will it take off on its own.
Cake if agent is. Yellow prussiate of soda. Got some canning and pickling salt now

K will open and add salt. It was 2% brine.

my ghost peppers arrived today. About 30
Was. Going to use about 5 peppers. With 5 bell peppers and Mandy some garlic. Will try 3 1/2% brine for mash.