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Newbie Question

I bought a germination tray, heat mat & temp controller. I've kept the dome on from day one (no mold) but 35 of 72 peppers have sprouted. At what point do I replant the ones that are ahead of the ones that have not sprouted? Leaves are starting to show and I want to know when to shift from heat to getting the little guys more light (a light box). Do I just pull the ones that have sprouted and leave the others? :dance: Thanks
Once they sprout, remove them from their germination chamber and give them some light. Different people like to give their plants different amounts of light per day. I do 18 on, 6 off. Some do it 24-7 for the first 6 weeks or so. Typically, most people will transplant their seedlings to bigger pots once they see their 3rd or 4th sets of true leaves.
I agree with Hot Pooper. Once the hook pops up, out they go into ProMix and under the fluorescents for 24/7 for about 7 weeks. I also run a fan on them to strengthen the seedlings. I've found that if I leave them in the germination station too long, they get "leggy".
Another reason I personally prefer to use Jiffy pellets to start seeds.... as soon as one pops, it's out and under the light without having to even touch the others. :D
Another reason I personally prefer to use Jiffy pellets to start seeds.... as soon as one pops, it's out and under the light without having to even touch the others. :D
I'm going to have to see about getting some of those because, yeah, the dirt oftentimes breaks up when trying to pot- up
i had the same question. the only difference is that i didnt get any germination so i was not up to the transplant part. lol
I bought a germination tray, heat mat & temp controller. I've kept the dome on from day one (no mold) but 35 of 72 peppers have sprouted. At what point do I replant the ones that are ahead of the ones that have not sprouted? Leaves are starting to show and I want to know when to shift from heat to getting the little guys more light (a light box). Do I just pull the ones that have sprouted and leave the others? :dance: Thanks

About how many days did it take for you to see sprouts?
I agree with Hot Pooper. Once the hook pops up, out they go into ProMix and under the fluorescents for 24/7 for about 7 weeks. I also run a fan on them to strengthen the seedlings. I've found that if I leave them in the germination station too long, they get "leggy".


The fan also helps prevent mold. As soon as I see the roots on the bottom they get potted up. That's what you're really waiting for anyways.
Newbie highjack question here, but does temperature matter once they have germinated, or is it only light that's important?
I've got a peltier fridge that can heat for germinating seeds, but I don't know what to do after they have sprouted.
Move to a cold window sill or shelf where there's more light? (maybe suspend some fluoro tubes above them). Or build a box to try keep some heat up while using just artificial light?
Newbie highjack question here, but does temperature matter once they have germinated, or is it only light that's important?
I've got a peltier fridge that can heat for germinating seeds, but I don't know what to do after they have sprouted.
Move to a cold window sill or shelf where there's more light? (maybe suspend some fluoro tubes above them). Or build a box to try keep some heat up while using just artificial light?
My understanding so far is once sprouted the longer they stay in the moist environment (under the dome) the more they are prone to mold & fungus. That said you surely don't want to expose them to to much heat or cold. Personally I lined a Rubbermaid Box with a mylar rescue blanket ($1.69 at Academy Sports). Attached a 2 x 24 inch flurescent light fixture (Lowes $16.00) to the lid with a Wal-mart timer ($3.00) and my plants will have there own little sun room until they get bigger. :D
i had the same question. the only difference is that i didnt get any germination so i was not up to the transplant part. lol
Mine sprouted so fast, I was scrambling to get a light box together. Took about $25.00 and an hours worth of work last night.
Thanks for the help. I'm going to take a look this AM and start moving some of the sprouted ones into the light box. Really interested in the germination rate as this was my first meticulous experiment. From soaking the seeds etc. :onfire:
Newbie highjack question here, but does temperature matter once they have germinated, or is it only light that's important?
I've got a peltier fridge that can heat for germinating seeds, but I don't know what to do after they have sprouted.
Move to a cold window sill or shelf where there's more light? (maybe suspend some fluoro tubes above them). Or build a box to try keep some heat up while using just artificial light?

After they have sprouted, light, light and more light. Heat at this point as far as a heat mat underneath them has had no benefits as far as I have seen. I had the same questions at first and the members here also gave me great information which helped me out tremendously. Throw them under fluorescents for 24/7 for about 6-7 weeks then you can go to an 18/6 or something to your liking. After I read a thread by a member here, can't remeber who but they went to a 12/12 cycle or something like that and I tried it. Plants still thrived, no adverse effects seen by doing this. Hope this helps