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No REAL pods in Ghana

The Invisible Man figures he'd drop in from Ghana.Been scouring the central markets....and I'll post a few pod pics.Most have been very disappointing- not worth the stink -thats for sure.Will try to get some picts on to my ever favorite PITA photobucket....

Locals using heads....

Takoradi Central Market

"Local" brew in Accra, and yes I brought my own hot sauce, the alternative is Tabasco(no comment) or a few dull fish based
types.One or 2 were ok, but seriously lacking any seat of the pants, and some that might ruin the seat of your pants if you tried them a second time.

Ghana local picked up during a sight assessment.Big time "no step zone", the Gaboon Viper

Crazy local on a cinder block

The pods- run of the mill, and dull / grassy.The cayennes are typical for cayennes.BUMMER.

Runs with Scissors stands for beer on rocks over beach.....

more to come....later kiddies, and thank god for :

Magic dust ;) a half oz of Roasted 7Pot Doughlah,Brown 7,Black Naga; Always bring a bomb to a gunfight!
Have a good one-
I think the gaboon viper has a nickname of the two stepper because you get bit take two steps and you're dead I think I read that on a national geographic
I think the gaboon viper has a nickname of the two stepper because you get bit take two steps and you're dead I think I read that on a national geographic
Looks like it should be fun. Did you share your stash of better tasting peppers with any locals and have them make a meal ?

Just wondering . I have seen places where I wasn't crazy about some local meals that they love .. Or where a Stout has milk in it ... :rolleyes: At times they didn't care for my offerings either. Different cultures and what they like may have to do with the "homey ... what Mom cooked " thing was . That's what they have and what they use ...
Yes it may be a big time no step zone but once you clear the path and catch one for dinner its all gravy... Should be no different than a Rattler...
The Gaboon is a slow mover, till it gets stepped on.The pattern looks like a small skinny snake in leaves, its mouth holds the longest fangs and highest volume
of poison of almost any viper in Africa.Probably a lotta meat, but goats aren't poisonous, so if your really hungry...you can eat the long "ugly chicken", and I'll stick with the ugly goats.Not many stray cats or dogs ,a hallmark of the third word normally...eerily missing here.African Pythons and Cobras are attributed to this.
I had thought the pods were gonna be some fiery chinense type, or the yellows a type of Fatalli.NOT.You do NOT sample one without a lot of scrubbing and a peroxide rinse....or the insides of your ass will BE ALL OUT in no time.Heat was almost nil til I hit placenta.What a bummer.I found a better shot of the pods and I'll post em if the internet gods are smiling.
The local food is subsistence level stuff, as well as a lotta VERY BAD "see food"haha, and some really good seafood if you get it fresh....by bad, I mean cut up fish in a bucket in the sun,"simmering" in a bubbling blackish/grey ooze with no fire under it.
1 million people a year die here from Malaria carried by the Anopheles mosquito every year. It does not play.We had our first in country case inside of 2 weeks in country( 1 out of 7 team members) despite taking his Malarone
Ghana is a beautiful country, and some of the people are fantastic, but it will bite you if let it....and that Stout, is awesome.
The few that would try the powder thought they might die, and that I was an evil SOB
I've a better pic of the pods , you know me by now-I'd have real slutty pod shots if they didn't taste like bad grass!LMFAO
Rodney- "sort of ;), is that a Texas Cichlid?
Gary- Got several interesting ones going this year to swap "live";), really looking forward to Bhut Jolokia Red x Cleo'sDragon.
Joe- That stuff is damn good.
More to come....
Whats up Jamie!!!!
In regard to the milk stout,did you say it was a local brew? it had a British Name?? "Castle" im glad you liked it, i love stout about the best out of all styles :drooling:
and i kinda knew it was good it sure did look that way ;)
i also noticed the Guinness it looked like either the Regular Foreign or the Foreign Extra, i have yet to try the Foreign extra im told its different than the one that Diagio exports from Canada
how was that??

I'm also growing 1 Mako Akokokosrade this year or at least i hope so, i kinda got it mixed up with a few of my SCARLET LANTERN HABS so im going to have to wait and see
have you seen alot of the locals armed with FN FAL RIFLES?? i love Fal's and hope to own one one day, i know many African countries use them as well as of course the AK47

have you felt unsafe at any point while you are over there?? i know many who travel to that part of the world have

stay safe and Good Hunting to you ;)

thanks your friend Joe
Hey Joe-
More research will be forth coming on the Castle milk stout, which points more toward Sam Adam Cream Stout then Guinness. I say its local, either heard it or I read it on the bottle before being besieged by the local "mosquitoes". . .upon which no spray works;), but I ducked and weaved , and zigged and zagged to no avail, and finally the age old inverted pants pocket maneuver(pulling out your empty front pockets to signal no money)worked like a charm.
No FN's in evidence, surprisingly.....all A-2/ and M4 variants, and the ever present AK.They are a'scart o the likes of me to get to close to em though.

Is the Mako Akokokosrade a bird pepper of sorts?
Hey Joe-
More research will be forth coming on the Castle milk stout, which points more toward Sam Adam Cream Stout then Guinness. I say its local, either heard it or I read it on the bottle before being besieged by the local "mosquitoes". . .upon which no spray works;), but I ducked and weaved , and zigged and zagged to no avail, and finally the age old inverted pants pocket maneuver(pulling out your empty front pockets to signal no money)worked like a charm.
No FN's in evidence, surprisingly.....all A-2/ and M4 variants, and the ever present AK.They are a'scart o the likes of me to get to close to em though.

Is the Mako Akokokosrade a bird pepper of sorts?
sound like your having fun keep the replies coming
i know they use a mix of stuff over there Gun-wise and where you are you may still see some French hardware now and again and maybe even an Enfield
but you say your seeing American stuff that doent surprise me too much as for Ak's thats a givin

the MAKO AKOKOSRADE is a large Habanero type that looks alot like a Fatalii and like the Fatalii it is hot and Very tasty, im sure if you come across them and try them you will know what you have
"..The local food is subsistence level stuff, as well as a lotta VERY BAD "see food"haha, and some really good seafood if you get it fresh..."

Hah, obruni PLEASE! ;) Palm nut soup with benke, okra stew, grasscutter with light soup and fufu, kebap, red-red, kelewele, gari and fried fish, not to mention the fresh fruit -- that's good eatin'!

The pods I found in East Akyim were worth the trip. Maybe you need to go in-country? I dunno. A friend of mine in Kumasi is now making the rounds to some of the smaller villages in Ashantiland for me. There are all sorts of good things waiting to be found.

(P.S. -- there is a reason there aren't so many strays in Accra, but it doesn't have anything to do with snakes.)
Shito is a spicy Ghanaian condiment. It's this sort of thick black paste, made with kpakpo shito peppers, ground dried shrimp, a little oil, and boullion. It's hot and intensely savory, and makes everything taste a little more Ghanaian.

Akpeteshi is local homemade moonshine. It's made by distilling palm wine, and is typically around 60-70% alcohol by volume. It's a little rough.

Palm wine, OTOH, is pretty damn awesome. It's sweet and lightly carbonated, and has sort of an earthy 'Juicy Fruit' flavor. Why they would distill it, I could never understand.
Shito is a spicy Ghanaian condiment. It's this sort of thick black paste, made with kpakpo shito peppers, ground dried shrimp, a little oil, and boullion. It's hot and intensely savory, and makes everything taste a little more Ghanaian.

Akpeteshi is local homemade moonshine. It's made by distilling palm wine, and is typically around 60-70% alcohol by volume. It's a little rough.

Palm wine, OTOH, is pretty damn awesome. It's sweet and lightly carbonated, and has sort of an earthy 'Juicy Fruit' flavor. Why they would distill it, I could never understand.
thanks i thought he was talking about some of the Korean pepper seeds he sent me this last season

thanks your friend Joe