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bottling Noob bottler here tonight


Salutations all,

Pardon, busy night with after hours work (I'm in IT and thought sure, tonight would be a great time to try bottling hot sauce in Woozy bottles, while on-call, and during a scheduled site outage).

I whipped up a recipe today that, I think, I got from this site, so kudos to whomever I got it from. Regardless, not sure I did the bottling right.

The Blueberry Sriracha Hot Sauce (that I tweaked in heat and pH), I made ended up with a pH of 3.27 before bottling in 5oz Woozy bottles. The recipe stated, to pastuerize, cook bottles @160F for 10m, then increase to 180F for 10m, then flip bottles for 3 minutes.

I flipped for 3 minutes and immediately took pot off burner while bottles remained. I admit, I did not think this through on step three of the inversion. Yes, I will be doing googlefu on this, but is there an easier way to keep them inverted? I can always redo the processing (with the pH I am thinking), so just looking for any tips or pointers in the right direction.