Noob Needs some suggestions

Avon, I'll check those containers out. Thanks. BTW Omar comin' We aren't all bad in Baltimore, however, I have had my plants get stolen from outside of my rowhouse. I'll have to chain these down!

I would think that plants would be about the last thing people in Bodymore, Murdaland would be stealing. :lol:
I will grow these one day, and I'll be married by then with my own house. She'll walk outside and see her flowers, then some chillies, then a penis? Oh sorry, that's a chilli....

Then she'll laugh at how droll your garden is. And finding you such a multifaceted bloke, she'll figure to be off with her knickers for a quick shag before supper. :dance:
Hello, I'm new to pepper growing, however I have grown a few jalapeno plants from seeds. I would like to start growing some more exotic and much hotter chili's this season. I'm looking for a pepper that would do well in Maryland's climate and a two and a half gallon pot (trashcan). Does anyone have any suggestions on what peppers to try out? Or any seeds I can buy from them? The pepper would have to relatively easy to grow also.


You're gonna want to grow some jalapenos. They're like the easiest to grow and wont demand that much from you and you'll see good results and good yields from minimum effort.
And for best results id dig a big ass hole in the ground and fill it with lots of rich soil. Carribean red habs are easy to grow and they look really exotic. And they're really hot. Fertilize with epsom salts or fish emulsio, avoid fertilizers with lots of nitrogen. Stay away from containers unless you want a dwarf plant. Or just get really big pots. Use compost or manure for soil and maybe ad a little sand for drainage. If you want something really exotic order black pearl from Johhnys seeds. They're not good to eat but they look fuckin crazy. Happy Growing son,

Well, thanks to Dazastar sending me seeds from Down Under, I now have the below in some Jiffy pellets.

Trinidad Scorpion
Douglah 7 pod
Ball Chilli
Orange Habanero

I also started 10 jalapenos from some seeds I bought from Home Depot.

It's about 67 degrees in my house, how long do you think it'll take to sprout?
Find a warm spot somewhere inside. The jalapeño and maybe the Ball (don't know the species) will pop first but your other three will be SLOW growing without some heat to the dirt....... Put them by/on your hot water heater and check the soil temp with a thermometer. Don't let it get above say about 88F. Over 90 and you will start to fry them :fire: