noob questions

my plants are starting to grow acual leaves now, i was wondering when i should put them into bigger pots and what size pots. they are still in the seedstarted that i plated them in. the plants are:
hot wax
thick cayenne
super steak hybrids
sweet 100s

Thnx ahead of time.

Noob out,
can you look at the bottom of the seedstarter and see if any roots are coming out yet?...I have been waiting until I see roots coming of the starter trays and matter of fact the 9oz cups also. Figure that when the roots are coming out it's time and I try to transplant within 7-10 days after the first sighting.
No expert here, but I did a little experimenting.
Plants can be pretty shocked if transplanted too soon, but if they're in little starting cubes, you want them to have room to "expand".
Don't wait for roots, as soon as you see they have a build shape (not the little string look they have at the beginning), transfer to something bigger.
not too big, though, you don't want to over water or something.
i guess i will pick up some styrofoam cups or something a couple more weeks and i think ill switch them they are stil not tht big yet
will 2 15W fishtank lights be enough light for my seedlings if i put them like 2-3 inch above them? eventually i will use a shoplight but i need to set it up first
Plants can be safely transplanted after they get their secondary leaves, or their first true leaves, whichever way you want to look at it. I would also agree that if your using small starters (jiffy)you should not wait until roots show before you transplanting. Being root bound is just as bad as transplanting early.

As to lights I would recommend that you pick up some CFL's with a temp in the 6500k range (considered cool / blue) for seedlings and once you start to get real growth I would switch to a warmer color bulb (4200k). Full spectrum lights would work as well. Wattage is not really a factor but your Lumens are. The more the merrier when it comes to lumens.
2 15w fishtank incandescent bulbs will not cut it.
PwnedPepper said:
they are 15 and 19W floresant lights

You need to know the lumen output and I don't believe those lights put out that much which will result in spindly seedlings. I believe the rule of thumb is around 3000 lumens per square foot for healthy seedlings. Personally I have a 4 bulb shoplight T8 setup + a couple CFL's AND I have the luxury of a 6' south facing window. (although in Minnesota it's debatable how useful that is this time of year).
It all starts with strong seedlings, you don't want to skimp on this stage of growth. You can setup a cheap but effective lighting setup for around $25 at you local ___mart.
a quick google shows that a 15w fluorescent will put out about 800-1300 lumens depending upon what type you have so you're close given you have a 19w too. I agree with Omri too btw, keep them close and you should be ok to start with.
yeah i have them about 2 inch over them look like its going good, got real leave on the tomatoes and i can just see some coming on my habs and jals
I know much of the time space is limited, but I dont think I'll be starting peppers in peat pots or starter cells ever again. The ones I started in 9oz cups are already bigger than the peppers I started in the peat pots, and they're only a week and a half old. The peat pot peppers are 6 weeks old! I don't know, it could have been the crap soil mixture I got. But I'm loving the cups.