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Noob to Sauce Making...

What type of salt is best to use? Table salt, pickling salt, kosher salt, etc.?

Thanks in Advance.

Also would this be a good basic recipe:

Cider Vinegar
Lemon Juice
i usually go with sea salt, but I don't think it will make too much of a difference overall. I think you're basic recipe seems alright. I always add garlic as well. Just be careful with the mix proportions, especially with the vinegar and lemon juice. It's sometimes easy to add too much and it takes over the flavor more than you may want.
Salt should be one of that last things you add, because you don't always need it. Don't assume all sauces need salt. Kosher and sea salt are the best. They are pure, sea is higher in mineral content, fleur de sel is the best.
Made my FIRST hot sauce and I am pleasantly pleased with the results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Roasted Garlic
Sea Salt
Lime Juice
7 Large Antillais Carib Peppers
2 Serranos

Think that I used a bit too much vinegar though so would cut-back some on future batches. Has a nice "island" taste which is the flavor that I was after. Heat is not unbearable but definitely hot (9/10).

Question for those experienced sauce makers:

These is a lot of mush/particles in the sauce...how do I get rid of this and does it matter?

How long will the sauce stay fresh kept refrigerated?
PeteyPepper said:
These is a lot of mush/particles in the sauce...how do I get rid of this and does it matter?

How long will the sauce stay fresh kept refrigerated?

You could strain it, run it through the blender again with a fresh set of sharp blades, or just shake well before each use cause it doesn't matter. :)

If you like hot sauce you'll consume it long b4 it goes bad and it gets even better after it has aged a week in the fridge.

Congratz on your first sauce. :cheers:
Alright, stoopid question but I am really getting into this sauce making thing....

Bases....If I want to use a tomato base, do I simply use a couple fresh tomatos and chuck 'em into the blender? Should I take the skin off? Can I use tomato puree???
It's up to you. Roma tomatoes are the best because of their thin skin and they don't have a lot of seeds. If you roast them you can even get that skin to peel off if you wish. Roasted tomatoes make a great base.
Color don't look too bad, no?


I particularly like the red sauce which was made with Antillais Caribbean peppers...The yellow sauce (fatalli) is nice but a little thick,,,much hotter though!
Psssst Kosher and sea salt are best for any canning process as it preserves the color better than table (Iodized) salt.

Your color looks very inviting! Lemon and lime juice are good natural preservatives also.

Next thing you may want to try is canning 1/2 pints of Salsa for the winter and early spring before you can get the goodies out of your garden. Belch! sorry about that I just swallowed some of my Salsa on a homemade coen chip! Belch! Ok gotta go to take care of the belches!
Psssst Kosher and sea salt are best for any canning process as it preserves the color better than table (Iodized) salt.

Your color looks very inviting! Lemon and lime juice are good natural preservatives also.

Next thing you may want to try is canning 1/2 pints of Salsa for the winter and early spring before you can get the goodies out of your garden. Belch! sorry about that I just swallowed some of my Salsa on a homemade coen chip! Belch! Ok gotta go to take care of the belches!