NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! (Pods getting holes, turning brown, ruining my day)

These pods were perfectly fine on Wednesday, then I showed up today and they looked like hell. Is this blossom end rot, something due to heat, a horrible disease, or some kind of bug? I couldn't find any bugs when I pulled them apart, only heart ache.







Please offer your suggestions on what is causing this along with your condolences.
I think this happened because I hadn't done my normal foliar fert for the last few weeks because I've been busy.

I guess I'll go buy some calmag tomorrow and give them a spray. It really sucks because that was my one superhot plant that was really taking off, had about 100 pods set and now they are all dying. I guess it's good to know the problem before the rest of them take off.
 Foliar application is great. I would sprinkle a tablespoon of bone-meal around the roots . The foliar spray will hook them out now and the bone meal will kick in a few weeks. 
+1 to millworkman.
That is definitely not BER, though it is a good idea to give your peppers (and tomatoes) calcium and magnesium once they get into production. You may also want to check for caterpillars.
Yea, check for pests.  Do a THOROUGH inspection of the plants and make sure to check under the leaves and at the base.  They look like pests. 
So some beer traps or sluggo, and a thorough plant inspection in tomorrow's 109 degree heat. Sounds like it's going to be a fun weekend'
Though this seems obvious - check the soil around the plants, too. It's easy to get caught up looking at the plant itself and somehow fail to see what's around it. 
Yes, from personal experience....  :rolleyes:
I hate slugs...I know it isn't nice, but I hate them. Sluggo on the mulch around the house in spring fixes them for me. Epsom foliar spray and an occasional mist of Neem deters the other pests. After slugs destroyed all my hostas a few years ago, I vowed to slaughter them all...kill those bastardos.
millworkman said:
Aaaaaannnnndddd surrpunding areas. Slugs and snails can teavel surprisingly far at night to feed. Under pots...
Lots of good advice. I did notice/chop up a few slugs the last time I picked up my toolbox, which is right next to this plant. I suppose I should have done something about it back then, but I forgot about them.
I noticed that they (slugs) come in with the fresh mulch my landscaper lays each spring. He hauls the old mulch away and replaces it with fresh double-black mulch, which looks awesome but comes with a hitch - new pests. The day he lays it (all around my house), I sprinkle a bag of Sluggo around on the mulch. That keeps them in check for months. As I only have about a 4 1/2 month grow season, I really only have to do it once annually, until fresh mulch arrives again. I hope it works for you. Those buggers can really steal the beauty from a luscious plant quickly.