labels-artwork Nope, not another label critique thread!

This time, I want you guys to glance over my new website.....
Notes before hand: The design aspect hasn't really bean yet....Background / color theme and all that stuff...Still going over that with my designer.....
Thinking more content wise, and stuff....What else should be included? More pages? less pages? condense pages?
I have bookmarked and have gone through 20-30 different hot sauce websites that I took bits and pieces and ideas from.
One thing I am not thrilled about is my store-front.....Right now, it lists each product via text....I am going ot need my designer to fix the code, so i can have a single picture of each sauce, that when people click on it, will them lead them to an option where they can buy 1,2, or 3 packs....etc...
I think i need to beef up the about us is in the works....
anything obvious though??
yep....never looked that close before (have to credit THP for that awareness to detail now...)  and for the last 14 years, I just call 'em up and say "send over another 3k..."
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