North facing window

Is it possible to grow pepper plants in a north facing window? My bhut jolokia plants started getting weird looking leaves while in my grow box so I set them up on my window sill that faces north. Unfortunately my house only has two south facing windows, none of which can house my plants since they are in rooms that are not mine. My plants are only about 3 weeks old, but im wondering if I can get pods out of them in a north facing window. I will also post a picture of my bhut jolokia plants to see if someone knows what's wrong with them. Thanks in advanced!

Here they are 3 days ago in my grow box

Here are the pictures of the leaves. This is happening to both of my plants. Gave them a dose of Epsom salt today
Last week I gave them nutes that are 10-5-14 and I water them when they are dry to the first knuckle. They are in miracle gro organic potting soil. Im hoping its nothing serious and they don't die on me, they're doing good for their age
You can do it in a north-facing window, but you will need some supplemental light. If you have neighbors, the least conspicuous way to boost growth is daylight T5 fluorescents on a timer.
You can do it in a north-facing window, but you will need some supplemental light. If you have neighbors, the least conspicuous way to boost growth is daylight T5 fluorescents on a timer.


Alternatively, if there isn't a view you're particularly fond of, a well-placed white/reflective surface can do wonders as far as increasing the amount of ambient light. A little unorthodox, but free light is free light. Still not quite enough to produce pods in most cases, but it helps. I have a couple peppers and a tomato growing outside against a north facing wall and I think the fact that the east facing wall is painted white really helps.
So taping a mylar safety blanket up against my window would help? I rarely look outside my window anyways, im scared of seeing people looking into my room haha.

Still any ideas on what could be causing my plants to look how they do or no?
They look bad because they are over fertilized. The Miracle Grow soil already has more than you need for the whole year. If you get any pods in a North window, they will be few and small. You can harden plants off outside slowly in 100% shade. They'll still grow outside better in the shade compared to a window inside.
Dont feel up to hardening them off. The Florida sun would cook these in no time!
If you put em with a water supply under your pot they should do fine, mine droop during afternoon and recover after the sun goes down, Florida grows more peppers than any other state, put em under a partial enclosure?
I was hoping they weren't over fertilized :( ill stop the ferts until they start showing flowers.

How is this for a shaded area? It faces west, so probably not ideal but it'll work right?